chapter 11

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so this is my first part on a computer bare with me my killers in training



my dad had beat me and Sammy and locked us in bobby's house, with bobby. i had 2 black eyes, a broken nose, fat lips, and he broke my arm. at least it got Sammy off he is not as bad.  I miss Cass, Sam's 16th birthday is in two days and Sam is depressed. where  in a new school. Sam is mute for the first time in while i can tell he really misses Gabe. i missed Castile a lot he was and is my light in the dark. I just got him back too. Bobby put me to work right away. Working on cars while Sam was in the house sulking.
~ Sam
I turn 16 today and dad won't let me do anything but he left on a hunt at 11 in the morning and dean took me to Ellen's diner where there was a party. I only wanted to see one person but I still had 2 years to go.
Hay sorry its short just a filler
*gives my killers in training there first gun*

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