chapter 16

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So. From here on out there will be 3 people talking and I'll tell you about my thanksgiving after. Wait who am I on hold on gotta go check
Today was an ordinary day in the beginning I went to my first class then lunch with my little angel then my last two classes dropped Cass of at work then everything changed as it is all four of us are working part time jobs but it will all change when I got to work I noticed I was the only one there besides Bobby and Crowley but they went working when I got to there door I shall bankruptcy and that everyone except me quit so I go inside and they went even up so I walk in to Crowley room and it's empty so I go to Bobbys room and Crowley chained to the bed naked and Bobby is right beside him huddled up
"Hay wake-up do I want to know"
Crowley "I'm we ducked and we like kinky"
Bobby"dont scare the boy"
"Well you guys have bigger problems I are in bankruptcy and every one quit except me. "
C "Well go downstairs and we will get dressed"
As I was walking away I herd Bobby say "make coffee" so I made coffee and they came out and Crowley went to take a shower so me and Bobby had to work it out
B "alright so here's the Beal you guys will have to move in here we have 2 free rooms now that me and him are together I will be able for both of you to go to your first class then you two will have to get full time jobs so will Sam and have"
"I will have everyone pack tonight when I get home sir"
"Dont call me sir and alright let's go work"
" ok let's go"
We worked on the inside of a Ford mustang and got it finished and sold it in 2 hours then I had to go get Cass and tell him the news
Cass "Hay my devil"
"Hay angel I have to tell you something"
"What is it"
"We have to move with Bobby and we can only go to first class and we have to get. Full time jobs so do Gabriel"
"Well ok then let's go tell them"
We drove home is silence and when we got home we woke them up
G "What do u want"
C "start packing were moving with Bobby and you two have to get a full time job"
S "are you serious did Bobby go into bankruptcy again"
D "yes now start packing we leave at 6 in the morning"
G "yes sir"
Me and Cass go pack in silence but we could here them comforting each other then we would go to bed
Today was not normal at all we both had today off which was extremely rare we we had a twilight movie marathon to make fun of it and we fucked a lot. Then Cass and Dean come in tell us we are moving and to pack so we do then tuck some more
Sorry guys I don't know what to Wright
~ Bobby
Apparently me and Mr. Devil slept till like 4 when Dean said that we hit bankruptcy so he's moving in tomorrow then we worked till 7 and then we went to grab food at taco bell and we cuddled at home fell asleep like that
Sorry I'm having fighters block but. I have the rest planned out and I just realized that I haven't spell checked I'll do that at the very end is and thanksgiving was great my sis came down from Marshall and we joked and laughed we went to black Friday were I got a 50 dollar phone 6 inch screen and really good headphones like the best but I still got to buy a micro SIM card which I'll do later this is long so hth
😈😇😡😀 I haven't decided if I want to end this good with fluff 😇 or badly which is fun cause feels😈 so I'll decide *gives my killers in training a semi auto magic machine gun*

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