chapter 2

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day two of there lives
~ Dean
It's day two of our new lives. And it's Tuesday we start today
I walked in my first class and castiel was sitting right beside the only empty seat. I go to sit down but the teacher catches me and brings me in front of the class. I could feel ever girl staring and I smiled, but then cass was staring two.
He tells my to sit next to cass and I and him smile. We preety much ignore the teacher and talk the entire time. I find this could be my best friend.
It's now 2:30 and me and cass have every class together except shop and mechanics. He has physiloli whatever and another science class it's a college one I found out he's 15 but a genius and I could tell he was swimming in my eyes like girls do but I ignored it. We start to head out and he notices Sam and Gabe driving off in his car so I take him home and he asked me to stay and hang out I do cause I'm starving on the car ride there he asks my about my dad
I don't say anything for a couple minutes and then j thought I felt comfortable so I begin " by dad never beat us but we did move alot and it wasn't good so I took the impala my stuff Sam and his stuff. While dad was on a job trip. And I never looked back he wouldn't let me have any friends"
" Am I ur first friend dean"
" Yes cass"
" That's depressing I suck"
" Do not cass ur wonder full"
We reach his house were Sam and gabriel are inside eating candy and doing homework
Which cass looked shocked about. I was shocked about Sam eating candy he's all vegetables. So me and cass go to his room and do homework but around 6 I had to leave so I go out and tell Sam we have to leave have said no ill take him home and s sais ya do I leave and go to work. Which I was building a fence today I got done and started hurding cows. After that I go home and Sam and gabriel are inside sleeping on each other so I just go to bed.
By the way still day 2
I wake up and  actually excited about going to school I go to first hour English and I see gabriel coming running and picks me up and sits with me
Surprisingly we have all 7 classes together and we both try put for soccer and we leave together because the coach after tryouts sais if we can get Gabriel's grades up he can play.
So we went to his house to do homework which he had over a hundred missing assignments. Then Dean and cass walk in and cass is staring at Gabe like ur actually doing homework and dean is staring like ur eating candy
Anyway they go into casses room and I don't exactly know but we get done with his missing assignments quickly and go play soccer
I win of course
At 6 dean comes out and sais he has to go to work so Gabe said he'll take me home. So we continue to play until Gabe gets good really good and beats me then it like 11 so we hurry up and get to my house were he hangs out. And I fall asleep.
~ cass
Still day two
I couldn't stop thinking about dean last night. Today he would get his classes. What I dint expect is to have 5 classes with him when the teacher introduced him every single girl was googled eyed over him including me
Idk wat googled eye means use your amajination
He sat beside me and we talked he was so intresting and cute, but the way he talked about his brother like he would die for him in a heart beat. He had two as he said man classes construction which I could tell he dint really care for and then mechanics he was in love with, he would talk like it was his one true love. That's when I knew when he needs me more than mechanics then I could make a move. So we spent most of the day together than at the end he had to drive me home he stayed and hung out we did homework and played 20 questions I asked him 19 random questions then at 19 I asked if he was gay straight or bi he said I'm thinking on it tell u on a later date. That made me happy I couldn't sleep I just kept imagining him over and over. Then I fell asleep.
~ gabriel
Still day 2
I woke up to day thinking about my bestie Sam. He was all I thought about sence I've met him. I go to my boring ass class and he walks in so I pick him up I almost kissed him. It was cool we had every class together. At the end of the day we went to soccer to try out he said sam can start but Gabe has to get his grades up. So Sam sais we will get right on it we went to every class and got every assignment I have missing. The we went to my house and started I got candy for us. And when denstiel walked in ow ya I have shipped them they went to cassies room and did idk but after we got done we went to playing soccer at first he beat me and then later I beat him. At the end I took sammy home and he fell asleep on me then I fell asleep too

destiel life beining to endTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon