castiel 1

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The first chapter is wierd I'm just learning soon I'm just gonna combine all the people into one long chapter but the first one is gonna be like this
It was a normal winter day halfway throu the school year and I was helping gabriel with his homework in the librarie when two kids one I would guess 17 he had these green eyes that peered through the soul that I couldn't stop staring at. His body was built like an oxe. I have never seen these two before and I looked at gabriel who looked like he was looking at the short one, he looked intreged. So he got up and walked over sat in front of the kid who looked about 14 and smiled said "I'm gabriel who are u"
The young man said nothing his brother looked at him and said
" I'm dean and thats sammy he doesn't talk much"
At that moment Sam said " call me sam"
At that moment dean evident his eyes like he dint think he would ever talk
Gabriel said" well nice to meet you Sam u guys just made your first friends "
Just then Dean said " what ur name because u keep staring at me. The last time anyone stared that much I got laid."
I said" I'm castiel and I can do that for you" long pause of silence and then I said " I'm just kidding dude chill out"
I wasn't kidding
Gabriel and Sam just starting walking off for no apparent reason
Dean said " sam i know u can take care of yourself but watch out for dad and he back by 10"
Gabriel said to me " Cassie I'll be back at 10:30"
It left me wondering why does he have to watch out for there dad
Then Dean said " bye nice to meet u sorry it's my first day at work can't be late I'll see you around"
At that I went home and sure enough gabriel walked in at 10:30
And went to bed

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