chapter 17

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I'm very sorry about it being so dam long I'll explain at the end
We woke up at 6 to get at our new house at 7 to unpack before classes. Sam and have decide that there gonna wake up at 8 and save cause they like sleep. So we get there and Crowley and Bobby are dancing in the kitchen and I thought as I wish me and Dean will be old and dancing in the kitchen. Dean face was rather amusing. They haven't shall us yet but they were about to as.We walk into the kitchen the stop rather fast
Crowley "how much did you see"
B"fantastic where is Sam and have"
Me"sleeping tell be here at 8"
D"well were gonna go unpack you two can keep dancing"
We walk into a rather large room with only one closet and a king bed in the middle. Dean takes our stuff and starts putting it away after that we talk
Me "this is gonna take some getting use to"
"Ya babe but it will be good" saying that as he pulls he into a kiss that last like a selenium and he sites my lip pulling away I can feel my jeans getting tighter
"Well we better get going to class" Dean said
"Your such a tease"
"You know it"
Then we go to our first and only class get to work we don't text each other doo I just sit and listen. Then finally class gets over and Dean waits for me by the entrance. We leave and we go to Bobby right away he takes his shirt off and starts fixing things on a Cheney truck and I look at his with gazzy eyes
"Cass the only time I get those eyes is when u wanna Fuck me but we can't not right now so rain check babe"
"Gotcha gotta call the nursing home anyway"
I walk in side the house is empty Sam is at work and gabes job won't let him have full time so when he's not working he's gonna work here so he's doing that. So I call.the nursing home"this is Springfield nursing home how may I help you today."
"Jody it's me Cass I'm calling to check if I can get on full time"
"It will just take me a sec to check"
It takes her ten minutes to check
"Your just in luck someone just quit tomorrow at noon u will start u still have to work tonight though.
"Thanks kid"
I get off and decide to clean The place looked like it haven't been cleaned in centres. I get done cleaning the living room at 3 just in time to go to work which Dean takes time to go drive me
"Tomorow I start at noon so right after class and get off at 7"
"Great babe bye hurry get out I'm on break right now and I have 5 minutes to got something to eat and get back love u"
"Love you too" as I quickly get out
At work I train this guy Lucifer who is gonna be taking over my shifts he seems a little weird always breaking the rules and breaking the third wall
Lucifer "ok so like this"
"Yes now let's clock out it's time to leave"
"I'm sure the author won't mind if we do I mean your so handsome"
"Let me guess not gay I can change that"
"I am just I have a boyfriend. And he will kill u"
We walk out in silence and right when Dean pulls up
Lucifer"i don't care"
We drove home and he still has to work till 10 so does have and Sam doesn't get off till ten he does got to work at 3 so. So I get to clean I clean everything and get done and 9 so I make dinner fried chicken, mash potatoes, cornbread I get done with dinner as everyone walks in and they all just look at me in aws. We all sit down and start eating when we get done gabe and Sam volunteer to do dishes. Which amassed me so me and Dean go to our room and
"Hay can I take that rain check now"
"I don't know" as I'm taking off his shirt
We basically communicate threw mind cause we don't say anything we try something new I'm on top this time and we are loud.but no one tells at us. Then we fall asleep in dean's strong warm arms
~ gabe
We wake up at 8 and directly leave leaving the keys where we told the landlord. And we walk in and there already outside working so we go inside and take the last open room also the smallest only a full size bed but at least I'll know he's so close I love my samsquatch
"I love you samsquatch"
"I love you to"
We unpack and I use the phone first and to no avail no full time so I go out And two Bobby while Sammy calls his work
Me "Bobby I'm they won't let me have full time"
"Well you good with a tool or cars"
"Nope.but eager to learn"
Ok then you will.'ve working with Dean for a while till you learn DEAN GET OVER HERE IDGIT"
D"what Bobby I'm busy working"
B"gabes work won't hire him full time so he's gonna work here he will be your apprentice"
D"yes sir come on Sam lover I'm doing easy stuff right now I'm changing a transmission"
From then on I knew I was learning from one of the best and I would almost never have a spare.moment. We work for what seems like for ever before Dean tells me he has to drop.Cass of at work and he told me to change the tires I thought I've never changed a tire before sounds easy what I said was "ok"
So after trying for 2 minutes Bobby comes over
B"wheres Dean and what are you doing
"Deans dropping Cass of at work and I'm changing a tire but I don't know how"
"Well you idgit first you have to Jack the truck up and take off the old ones"
I do that
"Now take the new ones and put them on really tight too"
I do that and I Jack the truck.down
"Look you changed a tire now do that three more times"
"Yes sir"
I work and get done right when he walks up and starts telling me something else to we work for four hours and he goes to pick Cass up. He goes and Cass walks in we work for six more hors.and Sam walks up and we finished the mechanics of the car tomorrow we paint it and make it shiny. We all go in and there was food lots of it ready and Cass was smiling and I knew he was the best cook so we were in for a surprise. We eat and Sam volunteers me and him for dishes when everyone leaves.
"U volunteer me to wash dishes"
"There gonna Fuck Dean had that look and I figured u would Want to be as far away as possible"
"Ow ok well thanks I've been with Dean all day he's pretty cool but he is my superior so he's bossy."
"Sounds like him"
We talk so more then we hear a loud cassssssss.babbbby fuccccckkkkk
Gabe said "Sounds like Cass is on the top"
Then we hear nothing for a long time then we know its safe to go to sleep.
We both wake up at 6 and we decide to dance for no apparent reason bit that I love him and I hope they walk in and see this and they do. Then they go in thier room and unpack and the bobby still want to dance to my suprise but in our room where we strip and dance to berry white love her. And we dance until 5 muinets till dean and cass get back. Me and baby b get to work building a completly new car while dean and sam work on an old clonker. We work till bobby beeds a dreak and goes over to the boys while I go get water. I see him in the window yelling at gabe cause he dosent know how to change a tire. Then he walk to our car and I walk out with waters and he driks one in one gulp. The day goes on intul 10 and ws go inside and eat and then me and crowleya are so tires we go to sleep
Ok so im sorry ive been busy planning my sweet sixteen friday but todays my birthday yay but dont kill me I know ive trained you well but your not ready to rise up yet anyway preety exciting and my partys gonna ve epic plus im kinda grounded kinda not my grades to good I got an F 2 ds thats bad really bad I thought my mom was gonna kill me. But not I think shes waiting till I least expect it and it scares me. So sorry
I love you my killers in training

destiel life beining to endTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang