Chapter 43: Sewers

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Rose leaned on me and Octavia for support as we walked through the woods, heading towards the sewers. Clarke walked next to me, Jasper, Monty, Raven and Harper walked slightly behind us, talking about getting out and where they wanted to go and getting back to the Arc to get some Monty's Moonshine. Murphy and Emori walked behind them, in silence, holding each other's hands. Rose brought us to a stop. And we looked down, as we reached a dried up river bank made from concrete. There was a tunnel to the left of us and in the ravine. It had metal bars covering it, but a couple in the middle had been cut free, meaning someone had already entered the sewers. Moss hung down from the roof of it. And we ran down the ravine, I kept a firm grip on Rose, making sure she wouldn't fall and hurt herself. We entered the tunnel and the stench hit us. It smelt like shit. Obviously. It burnt my noise and made me gag.
"Sorry about the stench," Rose mumbled, looking at me.
"What stench?" I joked with a light laugh, before lifting my top and gripping it over my nose, trying to block the stench. Rose weakly laughed.

We trekked through the sewer sludge and water that turned our boots brown and splashed our boots. We walked for ages, slowly getting used to the stench. We marched in silence, the only sounds were our boots splashing in the water. And the muffled grunts of Rose with the pain in her leg, me and Octavia still supporting her weight.

* * *


I walked ahead of the group, Raven not that far behind, following the map. I looked behind me at Bellamy and Octavia supporting Rose, Murphy and Emori centimetres behind them and Jasper, Monty and Harper not too far behind them. Me and Raven were metres in front. I needed space. I needed to get out here. The air was tight and stench was awful. I kept walking swiftly through the water. I saw a purple mist coming towards me, I stopped and stared. What is that?

"Cl-Clarke," a voice stuttered in the distance, I looked ahead and saw a figure. Lexa. She walked towards me and I ran towards her, "Cl-Clarke, it's-it's me," she said. I stared at her. And stopped in my tracks, staring at her.
"I-I-I love you, Cl-Clarke," Lexa stammered as she stood centimetres away from me, sounding almost robotic but like herself. I stared into her green eyes. "Lexa?" I whispered.
"It's me," she said, staring at me, "I've missed you, Clarke."
"Clarke?" I heard Raven call, "Are you okay?" She came and rested her hand on my shoulder, I was on my knees, getting them soaked in the gross water, but I didn't care, I looked at Lexa.
"I love you, Clarke," Lexa told me, smiling, "I'm glad I found you."
"I've missed you too," I cried, my voice cracking and tears flowing from my eyes.
"Missed who?" Raven suspiciously asked and I felt her eyes looking at my face as she leaned in closer.
"Clarke, we're not safe here," Lexa told me, her forehead creasing and worry in her eyes, "we need to leave," she firmly said and she turned her back and started walking down the tunnel.
"Wait for me!" I called and I stood up and started running after.
"Where are you going?" I heard Raven calling.

* * *


"Where are you going?" I called after Clarke as she ran down the sewer tunnel. I went to call her name, but I heard a whisper.
"Raven," he whispered in my ear, I turned around and I saw him looking at me with his shaggy black hair and deep brown eyes.
"Finn?" I sighed, "What are you doing here?"
"I have something to show you," he grinned as he started walking down a tunnel to my right, "you'll love it."
I started to follow him, confused. "I don't like surprises," I muttered.
He turned around and grinned, "You'll love this one." We walked to the end of the tunnel and suddenly it was like the arc, I could see the Earth and stars, shining in the galaxy. "It's beautiful, Finn," I gasped as I looked at him, he was smiling a huge smile, he looked so good.
"Not as beautiful as you," he told me.
I heard someone shout my name and looked back towards the tunnel, "Ignore them," Finn told me and I listened.

* * *


"Raven!" Bellamy called as Raven disappeared into a tunnel on her right and Clarke ran ahead. Bellamy still supported Rose with Octavia. "What's going on?" Bellamy half-growled in frustration.
"Maybe they've both gone crazy?" Murphy rolled his eyes.
"Don't be mean, John," Emori scolded him.
"I'm not," Murphy defended himself.
We kept walking forward, I hung back as I let Monty and Harper walk behind Murphy and Emori. Something didn't feel right. Something dodgy was going on in these tunnels, and I wasn't sure what. "Hey," I heard a voice call and I looked behind me... nothing. "Jasper," the voice said again and I looked in front of me and saw her standing there. I shook my head.
"Do you want some chocolate cake?" She asked me, her brown eyes smiling as she twisted a piece of her curly black hair around my finger. The others kept walking but I stood still. Maya grinned, "I've also got something to show you, you're going to love it."
"What... what is it?" I mumbled, struggling to get my words out as I raked my hands through my short hair.
"I like your new haircut, by the way," Maya complimented me as she flashed me a smile with her teeth.
"Thank you," I mumbled, shocked and confused. She died in my arms, why am I seeing her?
"Jasper," Monty called and he turned to face me, "Are you okay?"
"Come with me, Jasper," Maya smiled at me, tilting her head on one side and holding out her hand.
I stared at Monty and back at Maya in front of me.
"What are you waiting for?" Maya and Monty said at the same time.
I looked at Monty, "You see her too, right?" I asked, swallowing and pointing to Maya.
"See who?" Monty asked, "I don't see.." he trailed off and his eyes locked on something behind me.

* * *


"See who?" I asked Jasper, confused, as he pointed at thin air, "I don't see..." I trailed off and saw her, standing there. My mom. I blinked. What? I killed her. Not on purpose, I had to.
"Monty, it's me," she sweetly smiled, "I've missed you so much, son," she told me and held her hands out for a cuddle.
"Mom?" I half-asked. Jasper's eyes locked on mine and I locked on his. He turned around and shook his head.
"Nobody's there," we both said.
"Rose," Jasper called and she turned to look at him, "what's happening? I'm seeing... I'm seeing things."
Rose stood still, Bellamy and Octavia holding them.
She squinted and looked towards where Clarke had run off, there was a purple mist and it was surrounding us too.

Rose looked at Bellamy, worried, "Its hallucinating gas, makes you see loved ones, dead ones. Makes you go crazy. Cover your nose and mouth, don't breathe it in. And whatever they tell you, stick with me and don't listen."
I grabbed Jasper's hand and we began to walk down.
"I'll get Clarke," Bellamy told us and he looked at Murphy and Jasper, "you take Rose," he looked at me "Monty stay with Harper and protect the back."
I nodded and we moved into our new positions, Emori standing next to Murphy. Octavia looked at Bellamy, "I'll get Raven."
Bellamy nodded and they both ran off.

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