Chapter 21: Talk

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"Boy, you do know how to clear a room," Rose laughed from behind me, making me jump as I didn't expect her to be there.
I scratched the back of my head and mumbled, "Yeah, it's a talent."
"What was that about?" Rose asked me.
"Could ask you the same thing," I said, matter-of-factly as I sat down on my bunk, looking at her. She was now clothed and dressed in a grey vest top with black leggings that finished just after the knee and were slightly frayed. On her feet were black pumps.

"What do you mean?" Rose asked, defensive, she leant against Octavia's bunk.
"Just, what happened in the training simulator?" I asked, my tone suspicious, I looked at hands and picked some skin on the palm of my hand, before looking back at her.
"I, er, I destroyed some dummies," Rose smirked.
"No, I saw that," I shook my head, I put one hand on my upper thigh, bending my elbow and let the other dangle between my legs, "I meant after."
"I taught you how to shoot, and you were pretty-"
"Good. I know, I was pretty good," I smiled with a sarcastic laugh, and then my tone turned serious and I stared her in the eyes, "you know what I'm getting at. Why did you break down like that? Never shot a gun or something? You know they kind of bang when you shoot them."
"I don't know-"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I firmly stated, watching her. I could see she was becoming uncomfortable, feeling powerless. They always say that the person who stands up has more power, but in this situation, I had the power.

"Nothing happened." Rose half-snapped and then she walked closer towards me and leant in front of my face, so that we were eye level, and then she threatened, "just drop it. You don't want me to hurt you again."
I then laughed, I turned my face away from hers to the side and then back again, I then spoke, in a harsh tone, "Y'know, you don't scare me. So, you gave me a few bruises, I've faced worse."
Rose straightened up, "You don't scare me either-"
"So why are you so uncomfortable and scared right now?"
"I'm not-"
"If you're not scared then why are you afraid to admit that you broke down? Why won't you tell me? Is it something to do with the locket?"
"Locket?" Rose asked surprised, and then tried to lie, again, with a small chuckle "what locket? I don't know what you're talking about."
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I can only convince my team to trust you so much, I could easy convince them otherwise, so you best start answering my questions," I threatened in a calm and level voice.
"I don't give a shit if they trust me or not. You don't scare me," Rose retorted, coming level with me again.
"They all think you've lost someone, and you saw them. Is it true?"


She stood straight again and begun to walk to the door. I stood up quickly and as her hand reached for the door handle I grabbed it, spinning her to face me, "You can't run from me or this," I stated, looking into her blue eyes that had become cloudy and watery.
I then said in a gentle manner, "Who was it? Mum? Dad? Partner?"
A tear fell on the last word and she looked away from my eyes.
"What was his name?"
"Her name was Melody, Melody Crescent. Only I knew her first name," Rose mumbled, and then she met my gaze and wiped away tears with her free hand.
"Was she your sister, or best friend?" I asked, my voice soft and gentle.
"She was my friend. I loved her, she loved me. We even kissed," she let out a sad laugh and then pulled out the locket from the pocket in her leggings, "she gave me this as she... As I held her in my arms as she... It was a gun that shot her, in her stomach. She was dead anyway, but she didn't want them to be responsible for her death. She grabbed the knife and wrapped my hand around it, held it tight. She put the locket around my neck and begged me to do it... I held her in my arms as she - as she..." Rose broke off, her voice cracking and breaking and then she sobbed, "I loved her so much." I pulled her into a hug and held her tight as her body shook with sobs. Her tears soaked my top, but I didn't care. I wanted to take care of her. I think I possibly loved her.

Author's Notes: I'm in the process of writing a prequel to this story based on my own characters (Rose) so if you're interested look out for it.
Also I started to watch The 100 again and I realised Bellamy was a dick to begin with and that Octavia had a boyfriend before Lincoln as well as really caring/loving Jasper. I think I might make Jasper and Octavia fall in love.
And also, I edited the previous two chapters based on re-watching the first season.

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