Chapter 20: Team

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Jasper tutted, "I'm going for a walk," Jasper mumbled and then I saw him walk and the door slammed shut.
"Thank you," Bellamy thanked me with a slight nod.
I looked him in the eyes, "I didn't do that for you, I did it for Jasper and Monty. The rest of us." I then walked out of the room, the door slamming behind me.

Jasper had already disappeared. I shook my head and ran down the stairs. I needed some space to think myself. I had no idea if we could trust this girl, but Murphy clearly did. I opened the double doors and walked into the woods, I sat down on a log, and looked up to the stars. I pulled out Lincoln's portrait of me and stared at it, I know it seems kind of vain to look at me, but I was looking at the smile he drew and the flower in my hair, the flower he used to get me to go to his cave. Our flower. I miss him so much.

But Clarke had a point, we trusted Maya, I even trusted Lincoln. When everyone was against him because he was a grounder, when my brother was torturing him, I defended him. He was tortured for being an outsider, but I've always been an outsider. Living under floorboard, until we came to Earth and then I was free. I found Lincoln, my freedom, my saviour. Octavia, Lincoln Kru. Octavia, Skai Kru. Octavia, Sky People. Octavia, The 100. That's what I was now. I promised Monty that we were The 100 and we were family, all we needed. I have to keep that promise to him. Even if it means trusting Rose or Wolfie or whatever her name is.

Clarke had a point and so did Murphy, even if it was a little out of line, but our people, The 100, took a risk and trusted Maya, maybe we should give the red head a chance. And to be honest, we don't have a choice. We either take a risk and trust her and have a chance of getting out here or we don't work with her and we stay here forever. I don't particularly trust her, but nobody trusted Lincoln. And I've been an outsider all my life, so has Lincoln and Murphy and possibly the girl. She's a pretty good fighter too and clearly has some form of hatred to this place. I need to speak to Jasper.

* * *

I turned around and walked back through the double doors of the building, Jasper never left, I would've seen him. I entered the food hall and saw Jasper sat on a table, this place was empty apart from him. I walked up to him, he had his back towards me and sat down next to him. He had a cup of something, a dark red/purple colour. "Wine?" I asked as I sat down.
"I wish," Jasper grumbled, taking a slip, "it's just berry juice, alcohol isn't available here or some bullshit." Jasper was clearly still furious and tired.
"Probably for the best," I neutrally said. I was looking at him, he was staring into his cup, one hand on it, the other on the table. My arms were folded on the table.

"I disagree," Jasper mumbled.
"You don't want to go back to that, Monty wouldn't want you to go back to that," I firmly said, Jasper looked at me and then back at his drink. "Look, I know that this isn't ideal," I paused, looking at him, Jasper still staring into his drink. I continued, "Bellamy and Clarke have a point-"
"I thought you were on my side," Jasper flatly cut me off, and then he took another sip.
"This isn't about sides. There is no side."
"Of course there is. There always has been. Bellamy and Clarke are always together, and they're always in charge. And the rest of us are expected to follow."
"That's not at all how it is, we're a-"
"Team?" Jasper interrupted looking at me, and then he muttered, "yeah right," with a cynical laugh.

I just stared at him.

Jasper stared into his cup, and bitterly said, "We're not a team. Murphy is a back-stabbing traitor, who would betray us in a heartbeat and leave us behind to run off with Rose, wait, no, just to run off. He doesn't care about us. Bellamy and Clarke only care for each other. You're a loner, you go off do your thing. And then that just leaves me, Raven, Monty and Harper. We are forced to follow Clarke and Bellamy and if not then we have no other option."
"Just stop," I snapped, "stop feeling sorry for yourself! We've all lost people. But we are a team-"
"No, no, no," Jasper shook his head, and then he grumbled, his voice thick his anger, "we are not a team. And even if we are, how long will it be? How long will it be before Clarke leaves, before Bellamy breaks, before you leave, before someone dies? Tell me that. We are not a team."
"Yes we are," I argued back, "we have been a team since we arrived here. When we first got off that drop ship, and then you got speared. We brought you back, me, Monty, Clarke and Finn. We survived and worked together When we first fought the grounders, then the mountain men-"
"The mountain? Where Clarke killed-"
"And then Pike, and finally the City of Light. We did that together, we survived together." I firmly stated, ignoring him.
"We barely survived. How many of us died? We got to about 60 survivors. And I bet half of them are dead now. All for her."
"No, for us. Some of them died from grounders, you almost died from the grounders. Clarke saved you. We've all lost people. Stop sulking, we're a team. And you keep saying that we're not, but what about Monty?"
Japser looked at me, and then he slowly said, "What about him?"
I continued, "Well, you haven't been there for him, have you? When you were off getting drunk. I promised him that we were a team, a family, The 100. After he killed... after his mum died, I promised him that we would stick together. So you might not like Rose or Clarke or Bellamy, but we stick together for him."
"Well," I calmly said, "I'm going back to the room, see you whenever." And I got up and headed out the canteen.

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