Chapter 33: Pictures

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"Yeah and then we - ah! The wanderers return!" I cheered as Bellamy and Clarke came into view. We were all sat around the fire, passing a bottle of whiskey around. Me and Rose were sat next to each other, leaning against a tree. My legs were laid out in front me, Rose sat with her legs crossed. Monty and Harper were sat opposite us on a log, Monty had his arm around Harper, she was leaning against him, resting her head on his shoulder. When did they get together? I missed a lot when I was searching for the City of Light and then in Polis. I didn't care because I was with Emori. Jasper was sat on Monty's right on a tree stump, he was hogging the whiskey. Octavia was sat on the floor towards Jasper's right, leaning with her back against a tree.

Bellamy came and sat down on a log, slightly in front of me, facing Jasper, Clarke sat on his left. Bellamy dumped a rucksack down and unzipped it, "We got booze," Bellamy announced and he passed us all a beer.
"A hundred year old beer," I casually said as I opened it using a knife, I took a sip and coughed.
"It'll have that affect," Bellamy stated, "don't get too wasted."
"I won't," I muttered taking another sip.
Octavia coughed, "Not as good as Monty's Moonshine," Octavia spluttered.
"Nothing's ever as good as that," Jasper laughed and him and Monty high-fived.
"What's that?" Rose asked, smiling.
I looked at her, "It's nothing special," I shrugged.
"Nothing special?" Jasper exclaimed, "It's the better than this!"
"It's my own made alcohol," Monty exclaimed, "I made it on the Arc and down here for Unity Day."
"Unity Day?" Rose repeated.
"It's some celebration," I begun my tone not-bothered, "children sing some songs and act all happy and united, ignore the suffering for a little while."
Clarke tutted, "It's the day the twelve stations united in space and we celebrated the first one of Earth a few weeks ago."
"It's a joke," I bitterly said, "Lots of Unity when we were battling grounders and each other - I wasn't even there," I rolled my eyes, "because we weren't united. Banished for something I didn't do."
"Murphy," Bellamy said, and I looked at him.
I shook my head and took another sip and bitterly said, "It's true. You didn't want me there, and when we get out I'll be kicked out again. You hate me for something I didn't even do," I took another sip and continued, everyone watching me, "it doesn't matter that I helped Raven when she was dying, it doesn't matter that I helped save that girl's life when Finn wanted to leave her to die, it doesn't matter that I tried to stop Finn," I looked at Clarke, "What did you say? I should've tried harder?"
She looked at the floor.
"Yeah, and despite me trying to save Raven's life, she still wanted to hand me over to the grounders for a crime I didn't commit," I shook my head, I continued, "And even though I helped you in Polis with Lexa and with Ontari, you still hate me," I spat on the floor, and then sarcastically laughed "what a fun night?" I then got to my feet, "I'm going for a piss," I said and I walked over to the cave, passed Monty and Harper and Jasper, all of them looking guilty.

* * *

I took my beer with me and as I reached the cave entrance, I looked back at them all. Team. We'll never be a team. I smashed the bottle at the rocks. I looked into the cave and saw something glinting. I know Rose said the cave was off-limits, but I wanted to know what was in it, I gave one quick glance at the others, they were mumbling about something, Rose wasn't participating with their conversation, she was staring at the fire. I really killed the mood. I don't care, they can go float themselves.

I entered the cave, the water from the waterfall slightly spraying me. I looked at the cave floor, there was animal fur on the floor, like a blanket, next to the wall closest to the bunker. I looked to the middle of the cave, where there was a single large rock, big enough to sit on, I walked closer and saw the glinting object. It was a small wolf and a music note with two chains, this must've been a place where Melody and Rose had been. Under the objects was a letter, I picked it up and got a torch out my pocket, I'd been given it from Clara, it ran on kinetic energy, I wound it up. The letter read:

Dear Wolfie,
If you're reading this, something went wrong. I've either been captured and turned into a lab rat or I've died in the process of escaping. I hope it's the latter and if it's the former, come kill me. You were the first person I ever loved, you showed me there is more to life than pain and anger, but love and hope exists. And I was right about you; you are a mighty wolf, you are strong and powerful and beautiful, and most importantly, a leader. Don't ever forget that, because that will keep you alive. And just because I am gone, doesn't mean you can stop being a wolf, because they need you. Alek needs you.
The Moon will guide you.
Keep fighting Wolfie, I'll always love you.
But you have to let me go now,
May you find home,
Your songbird,

I put the note down. This was Melody's cave, Rose knew this place because Melody took her here. I had no idea what she meant by 'Lab rat' but there was clearly something Rose wasn't telling us. I turned my torch to the left and it flashed on the wall, where I saw a pictures and a Polaroid camera, it must've been in the Asylum and they stole it. I walked over to the pictures, a picture of Rose in the water with a Rose in her hair and the music note around her neck as well as the silver locket, she was smiling, but her hair was a blonde colour and set free, her blue eyes sparkling, her clothes in the background, her arms covering her chest, she was laughing. Then another one of Rose trying to get the the camera. One of a girl with wavy dark brown hair, freckles on her cheeks and hazel eyes, hanging upside down in a tree. A final photo of them in the bunker, Rose sat behind Melody on the sofa, Melody gripping the camera and Rose holding the peace sign up, both of them smiling. My floor stood on something and I looked down to see a photo ripped in half; Melody and Rose kissing in front of the lake. I felt like I was intruding in their space. I turned around to leave and I saw Rose looking at me.

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