Chapter 12: Uniform

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I picked up my clothes and stared at the floor as I put them in my locker, the boys still faced the wall. Octavia and Raven copied me. I then placed my hand on the cold, metal handle of the door and opened it. We entered a dark room and couldn't see anything. The door slammed shut, making me jump.

"Hello, ladies," a female voice called and a light turned on, making me squint. I could see the room had three cubicles. "If you'd like to walk into a cubicle, please," the voice requested. I went in the one on the right, Octavia in the middle and Raven in the left one. A black panel came across, trapping me in the cubicle. I looked up at the ceiling and cold water shot down, I let out a small Yelp as the icy waters hit my skin. A gas then appeared in the chamber, it smelt of flowers. The front panel then opened and I was greeted by the familiar light and white tiles.

I saw Octavia and Raven. Octavia stripped of War Paint and tribal braids. Raven with her hair down and necklace from Fin. We saw three people in front of us, three tubs and three chairs. "Come, now, don't be afraid," a lady with pink hair told us. She walked up to me and grabbed my arm and gestured for me to sit in tub, I did. She scrubbed my skin with hard sponges until it went red, she shampooed my hair and then blow dried it. She then sat me in the chair and trimmed hair, she then plaited it for me, how it was on the Arc. I looked at Octavia, her hair had also been plaited in a side plait, but Raven's was in a bun. Octavia wasn't fighting. Playing along, I guess. I saw Octavia eyeing up the scissors, but she couldn't grab them. The ladies then left and told us to grab our clothes. We put them on and exited.

* * *

Once reunited our eyes examined each other's outfits. Me and Octavia dressed in a black vest top, black sports leggings and black trainers with a black rain Mac in our hands. However, Raven was dressed in white three quarter length, slim leg trousers, a blue long sleeve shirt and white ballet shoes with a white blazer in her hands. We stared at the boys, Japer, Murphy and Bellamy wore black sweat pants, black t-shirts and black trainers with black rain macs in there hands. A door then opened to our right and we all snapped our attention to it. We saw white uniforms coming towards us.

"Monty?" Jasper whispered.
"Jasper?" Monty's voice called out and soon they were holding each other in a big hug. A tear rolled down Jasper's face. And the other figure stopped in front of us, Harper. Harper was dressed like Raven and Monty had white trousers with a blue short sleeved shirt and black shoes.
"I thought you were..." Jasper trailed off as he and Monty pulled away. Both Monty and Harper had cuts on their faces. Harper had a bust lip.
"We thought the same with you guys," Monty replied, "I can't believe you're here."

"Well, now you've been reunited," Charles interrupted, we all stood and turned to look at him. Charles wasn't on his own, with him was Clara on his right and on his left was a girl dressed the same as me and Octavia. Her hair was fiery red and her eyes blue and vacant. Her hair tied in a French plait. "Hello, so this is Clara," Charles pointed at Clara, "who you've already met. And this," he pointed to the red head, "is Rose. Now, as you've gathered, you're wearing different clothes. Those in white go with Clara-"
"What do you mean?" Jasper interrupted.
"And those in black with Rose," Charles finished.
"Wait, we're being separated?" Bellamy questioned, stepping forward and then staring at us all, we all shared glances. Octavia stared at the floor, silent for once.

"What about Emori?" Murphy questioned, "You said I could see her!" Murphy growled and he marched up to Clara, he then grabbed her by the collar of her Blazer and threw her against the wall, "Where is she?"
"Murphy calm down," Bellamy shouted.
"Stay outta this!" Murphy growled, "Where is she? You said I could see her."
Bellamy took a step towards Murphy. The rest of us frozen. Rose was still facing us, unmoved.
"She's not here," Clara blurted out.
"What do you mean?" Murphy growled and he banged her head on the wall.
"We brought you in alone," Clara cried out, "there is no Emori. We caught you running. And when the guys got out the van, you called out for Emori to run, then you stabbed two of the guys, before you got shot. You were alone," Clara cried.
Murphy dropped her. "Alone?" He repeated, then he turned to face us and he slowly walked to the back wall. I walked up to him as he slid down the wall. I crouched down and put my arm on his shoulder. Bellamy stood above us, Octavia turned around, her hands to her face as she watched. "Murphy, Emori, she's gone," Clara said. It shocked us all, me and Bellamy exchanging glances.
"So how come I saw her in the forest?" He spat as a tear ran down his, "We left together. She fought you bastards."
"Murphy, you were alone," Clara firmly said, no sympathy in her voice.
"She was the only one that understood me," Murphy mumbled as he put his hands over his face.

Charles then cleared his throat. "I know this is a sad time, but we've got work to be done."
"Why are we being separated?" Jasper demanded, "you said we were safe and had tests."
"I did say that, I never said you'd be kept together," Clara explained.
"You lied to us!" Jasper lunged at her, but Bellamy grabbed him and so did Monty.
"She's not worth it," Monty shook his head.
"We should listen to them," Harper responded.
"Yes, you should listen to us," Charles agreed, "Now, those in white, proceed with Clara and myself," Charles ordered. Monty looked at Raven, gave Jasper a final hug and then Monty and Harper were out the door. Raven gave us a final look, me and Bellamy nodded, and she was gone too.

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