Chapter 23: Criminals

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"So now what do we do?" I heard Jasper snap at Rose. I moved my head to look at the right, where I could see Rose and Jasper looking at each other, standing centimetres apart.
"I don't know," Rose weakly said, shaking her head and turning away from him. Jasper put his hand on her shoulder and turned her to face him.
"Are we criminals now?" He asked her, "are they going to kill us?"
"Probably," Rose sighed, she didn't seem really bothered.
"When have we not been hunted though?" I weakly laughed and they looked at me, "I mean we were criminals on the arc. And down here, hunted by grounders, each other, the mountain, the city of light and monsters. So when have we not been hunted?"
"It's true," Octavia sighed, I turned my head to see her sat on a tree stump just after my feet. Bellamy was leaning on a tree behind Clarke.

"Rose," Clarke said, her tone firm, "do you have a knife?"
"Why?" She suspiciously responded, looking at Clarke.
"I need to cauterise his wound, he's losing lots of blood," Clarke explained, her hands were at both sides of my gash on my leg, which was still bleeding, "we also need water," Clarke said, "to keep him hydrated."
"So we need a fire?" Rose asked.
Clarke nodded.
"Bellamy, Jasper," Rose said, looking at them, "could you get us some logs and build the fire?"
"Sure thing," Jasper sighed and I watched them both head off. I watched them braking branches.
Rose then started to walk away from us, towards the direction we were running in.
"Where are you going?" Octavia questioned, standing up and walking towards Rose.
"I'm going to get water," Rose said flatly, looking straight ahead.
"I'm coming with you," Octavia stated, as she begun to walk forward. Rose sighed and they headed off together.

It was silent apart from the distant snapping of branches coming from Bellamy and Jasper and their muffled chit chat. The birds tweeted in the trees. The world was still and calm. This was the first time I properly noticed the Earth and its beauty, before now, I had no time to stop and take it in due to the constant battle. Get a grip, Murphy, don't start getting all mushy.

"Just me and you, Princess," I weakly mumbled, "how many times have we been here?"
"Too many," Clarke sighed. She's right, we have been here too many times. Too many times on the run and too many times wounded. Even though we've always had arguments and feuds, The 100 have always had my back, well, when they weren't trying to hang me or banishing me. But I guess we make a team, when all things are put aside. We come together when it's necessary. Pumping Ontari's heart to save Clarke. Gross.

"Do you think she's actually dead?" I mumbled.
"Who?" Clarke asked, and then she sighed, "they better hurry up."
"We got the branches," Bellamy said and I saw them walk over.
"Build a fire," Clarke instructed.
"On it," Jasper said and I watched them building a small fire in front of me.
"Emori," I mumbled, responding to Clarke. I felt so weak and my eyes shutting, I knew I mustn't fall asleep.
"What do you think?" Clarke gently asked.
"I don't think she is, we've come all this way, I think they're lying," I weakly said.

Nobody responded to me. I watched Bellamy twizzling a stick in the ground, trying to light the fire. Jasper crouched watching him. My body was dripping with sweat and my vision blurry.
"Finally!" Clarke exclaimed and I looked over to see Rose walking over to me. She got a stick out of her pocket and knelt in front of my face.
"You might want to bite this," Rose suggested.
I shook my head, "I've been through way worse, trust me."
Octavia nudged Rose out of the way and put a bottle of water against my lips, she gently tipped it and I drank it. It tasted bad, but at least it's clean. Rose lifted her coat and pulled out a small knife from her waistband, she heated it on the fire. Shit. I knew what was coming. I've never had a wound cauterised before, but being hanged, three days of grounder torture, plus some more and parading through a desert, it's been a long journey. Rose handed the knife to Clarke, I saw Clarke's hand grip it and I looked at her, her hand hesitating over my leg wound. I looked back towards the fire, I couldn't look. My palms became sweaty from nerves. I knew this was going to kill me. Rose lifted my head onto her lap and knelt at the the top of me. She then grabbed my hand. I don't know why she's doing this, but I'm too weak to care. I looked into her eyes, her eyes were more of an ocean blue with some flecks of green in them, unlike mine, which were a baby blue colour, like the sky. What am I talking about? Eye colour? Jesus, get a grip, Murphy. I think the blood loss is messing with my head.
"Murphy, this is going to hurt," Clarke said to me.
"It's okay," I mumbled and then I gritted my teeth, "just do-" I didn't even finish my sentence before it was cut off by screams. It burned. It hurt so bad. A tear fell down my cheek. "Fuck," I grunted. And closed my eyes.

Author's Notes: I'm planning to upload every Monday and Thursday, so check back for more updates.

I'm solely working on this story now, so I should be true to my word and upload more regular.

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