Chapter 2

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I dangle 2 pairs of pjs off a hanger. One that has an orange tank top and matching shorts or my fleece pants and cotton top.

"Madge come on what pjs should I wear we still have to set up the tent still" I say impatiently.

"Go for the orange that's Peeta's favorite color" she looks at me and giggles. I slip on the pjs and pull on my dad's old brown hunting jacket and grab my light blue blanket and pillow.

"Ready Kat"? She says.

"Yep let me grab Prim" I say running over to her room.

"Prim are you ready yet?" I ask as she pulls up her long blonder hair into a messy ponytail.

"Yes I am" she says grabbing a pillow.

I come down stairs to see my mom and my step dad watching a movie on the couch.

"Okay Prim and I are getting ready to leave we will be back around 10-11ish tomorrow morning" I whisper.

"Okay have fun sweetie" My mom and Plutarch both wave goodbye to me and Prim. All 3 of us quickly leave and hop into my car so we can get try to get Madge there before everyone arrives.

We arrive at 6:30 and by 7:00 the tent is set up and we have built a small bonfire in the middle.

"Hey everyone" I say and everyone greets Madge and I and we all sit down around the campfire and roast marshmallows.

"Spill Katniss and you know what I mean" I look at Madge clueless because for once I have no clue what she's talking about.

"Your such a liar you and Peeta are going to be a thing soon" Everyone looks at me.

Then little innocent Prim isn't so innocent anymore "So Katniss who is this Peeta guy you have not been telling me about at home" she giggles with her new friend Sunshine, Glimmers sister.

"Do you like him" Prim says while everyone stares me down.

"YESILIKEPEETAGOODNIGHT" I mumble as I go into the tent and hide of embarrassment.

"Wait Katniss did you just admit you like Peeta" I say to myself. I guess I kinda like Peeta. I did get caught looking at his muscles a few times and he has this smile that's worth dying over. Then everyone outside starts chanting.

"KATNISS AND PEETA SITTING IN A TREE K I S S I N G" Everyone chants. I peek out of the tent.

"SHUT IT" I whisper yell and go back into the tent. I hear a whistle from outside.


"FOR NARNIA". The I hear Madge scream.



"I guess that means were all here" I say getting out a bunch of bags of water balloons.

"Hey guys" I say as I hand everyone a bag of water balloons. I look around at everyone Finnick has twigs and moss covering his body, Thresh, Gale, and Cato have fake blood wounds all over their body and me and Marvel have black lines all over our body which doesn't make sense but it will still scare them. We start walking to the forest when I hear people chanting something I might have miss heard but then the rest of the guys join in.


"Aha very funny but I don't like Katniss" I protest.

"Peeta just admit it we all know you have a crush on her and it's kinda hard to hide" Gale points out.

"Okay I do like Katniss are you happy now" I quickly say the all the guys yell told you so.

"Shut up we're close" I say shushing them.

"Guys we're here I have a plan first lets hide in the bushes and make rattling noises and then we can raid them".

"Got it" they all say

"Our signal is a Mockingjay whistle like this *whistles*.

"Okay hide" I say. We all hide behind various bushes with all kinds of angles of attack. I see everyones ready.

Okay I'm so ready to do this .*whistles*

"FOR SPARTA" Marvel yells.

"FOR NARNIA" Gale yells. We run in and start throwing water balloons Madge is the first to scream and Katniss comes running out of the tent so I attempt to pelt her but I trip causing her to fall on top of me.

"Aww look at the couple" says Cato.

"WERE NOT DATING" we say in unison.

The guys kept pelting them with balloons. Madge is holding Prim infront of her but I still manage to get her. I run out of water balloons. But soon after we all ran out the girls were soaked and they pelted us with marshmallows.

"TREATY TREATY" Marvel yells.

"I call a truce that our nations will stop war and combine as one" I say trying to keep a straight face but end up laughing.

"I'm cold thanks guys" complained every girl. We all went into the tent to keep warm.


I'm cold and miserable at least Prim and Sunshine managed to fall asleep.

"Do you mind" I look up and see Peeta. I shake my head and he plops down next to me.

"Your an asshole"I say shivering.

"I'm sorry Kat I got you all cold and wet" he apologizes.

"It's okay but can you keep me warm". He smirks and pulls me in closer to his chest and we drift to sleep.

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