Finnicks sleepover

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Many weeks have passed since Peeta took me on the date.
I rarely get a chance to talk to him because his father got sick and he had to cover his shifts at the bakery.
Prim enters my room with a huge pink duffle bag.
"I'm not taking you" I blankly state. She smacks her forehead with her hand."I didn't come to ask that I came to help you pack". I watch her rummaging through my dressers."Prim I'm wearing my pajamas there I don't need anything plus that bag is to-"."Katniss! I have been dreaming about going to a senior sleepover since I was 9 and since your the closest I can get to one I'm packing for you" she happily states. I scoff and roll my eyes to let her continue. "Since these party's can get a little out of control I'm packing 2 extra pairs of Pjs" she says packing an orange tank with matching shorts and a blue tank with polka dot shorts. She also packs a bunch of other things I don't bother paying attention to.
"One last thing" she says taking a small vile out of her pocket and placing into my hand."To protect you"She smiles. I look at the vile and It reads Pepper Spray
"Prim where the heck did you get this" I question her smile."Dad" she says leaving my room all accomplished.
I hall the bag down the stairs and say goodbye to my parents and the satisfied Prim and exit the door.

I pull into Finnicks drive way and his door and lawn are covered in caution tape that reads CAUTION DO NOT CROSS THIS LINE UNLESS YOUR IN THE PARTY MOOD. I laugh and walk through the tape to his door. The door immediately opens."MRS.EVERDEEN ARE YOU READY TO PARTY" Finnick yells putting a lei over my head and handing me a blow horn. I walk in to see Annie, Madge, Glimmer, Fox, Clove, Johanna, Gale, Thresh, Cato, Peeta, Marvel, and some new people all dancing to the song Birthday by Katy Perry.
"This is Taylor" he says pointing at a blonde haired girl with icey blue eyes similar to Peeta's."It's nice to meet you" she says with a to good to be true smile and I shake her hand.
"This is Michael" A tall broad guy comes up and shakes my hand.
"And last this is Emily" a girl with long golden brown hair steps up and shakes my hand. There's something about Taylor and Emily I don't quite like but I just can't figure it out. Michael on the other hand seems sweet but in a friendly way."They are transferring to our school on Monday and I invited them into our group" Finnick says with a smile towards Taylor. Annie coughs."Anyway WHOS READY TO GET THIS PARTY STARTED" Finnick and Marvel yell turning up the music which is Party in the USA. We all start dancing and someone starts passing out drinks."Here" Taylor hands me a drink that smells like alcohol but whatever I'm a senior this is my last year to have fun."AND THE BRITNEYS SONG WAS ON AND THE BRITNEYS SONG WAS ON" Thresh yells dancing on the table."SO I PUT MY HANDS UP CAUSE THERE PLAYIN MY SONG AND THE BUTTERFLYS FLY AWAY" I flip my hair hair around and dance my heart out ignoring the fact I can see Taylor slutting it up around Peeta who looks uninterested. I continue jumping around and screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs with Glimmer. We go through 4 more songs before we all get tired.
"WOOO CLASS OF 2030" We all scream and fall to the ground."Who wants to play Truth or Dare" Johanna says with a huge grin. Everyone immediately shoots up and Finnick grabs the bottle and sets it down with a smirk. Everyone sits in a circle with Annie on my left and Peeta on my right. Finnick spins the bottle and it lands on Madge. She turns a little pale. "Madge Truth Odair" Finnick smirks again."Uh Truth" she hesitates. Finnick stops to think."Have you ever given Gale a boner and if so where". Madge turns red and Gale looks down at her with a slight smirk."Yes, and uhm well when we went to the Carnival for a date I was going to hug him good bye and the edge of my shirt got caught onto something and it pulled down half my shirt so my bra was showing and Gales pants kinda you know bulged". Gale turns red."Uh yep I do remember that" he says. We all laugh. The bottle spins again and it lands on Taylor. She lets out a bitchy smile."Taylor Truth or Dare"."Dare" she doesn't hesitate to say moving a tad closer to Peeta. That bitch."I dare you to play 7 minutes in Heaven with any guy in this room. She rolls her eyes and scoffs getting up and taking Peeta into the closet. At this point my eyes are bulging out of my head and I'm digging my hands into my leg which Annie notices."Don't worry that fake plastic bitch doesn't mean anything to Peeta" she whispers close to my ear so no one can hear. After 7 minutes they still don't come out until Cato gets up and opens the door to find Peeta with his shirt off and Taylor kissing his chest. I'm seriously going to cut a bitch if I have to.
They return to the circle and Peeta glances at me satisfied looking."I'll be back" I say getting up and running to the bathroom. Tears are dripping at a constant rate as my hands slide up to my head clenching my hair as I pace back and forth of the small room. What the fuck just happened. He liked me didn't he? Did I push him away? Did I do something wrong? All these questions pile up in my head."Katniss" I hear a faint voice say behind the door."Who is it" I ask trying to mask the sound of my sniffling."Its Glimmer and Fox" They speak up a little louder. I let them in and shut the door after me."Aww Katniss I'm so sorry"."I-I thought he-but-I and" I can't speak but I can tell they know what's going on."Where is everyone else" I finally get out. Fox and Glimmer exchange a glance."Well after you left Cato punched Peeta in the stomach and Gale Tryed to stop them and then Finnick and Annie got in an argument about Taylor and how she's clinging on to all the guys and then they took it outside which they still might be"."I'm sorry I'm not in the party mood anymore can I just go home" I say getting up from the ground."No you cannot just mope around like that Katniss how about the girls go back to my place and we continue the sleepover"."Fine" I say opening the door. So much for this fun senior sleepover thing that prim talked about.

"WELL ATLEAST IM NOT SLUTTING AROUND MICHAEL OR THE OTHERS" I yell slapping Finnick in the face."EXCUSE ME MS. PERFECT THIS PERFECT THAT I DIDNT DO ANYTHING I SMILE AT EVERYONE" he gets up from the ground where Gale had pushed him."ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT CAUSE YOU SEEM MORE INTERESTED IN THAT SLUT MORE THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND"."AND YOU" I point to Peeta who is on the ground being tackled by Cato."YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND IF YOU WERENT STUPID ENOUGH TO RUN OF WITH ALEX LAST YEAR YOU WOULDNT BE IN ALL THIS SHIT YOU IDIOT". Peeta look up at me a little dazed but upset."ALEX APOLOGIZED FOR WHATEVER SHE DID SO DONT BRING HER IN THIS AND I DONT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND THE LAST GIRL I LIKED FREAKED OUT WHEN I KISSED HER SO I THOUGHT I MIGHY BE ABLE TO MOVE ON AND FIND SOMEONE ELSE BUT I GUESS THAT I WAS WRONG" Cato punches him one last time. Johanna, Marvel, Clove, and Michael stand at the door way confused but are being annoyed by the blonde bitch and her sidekick."Umm excuse me Barbie and friend you can leave now. Bye Bye! I wave watching them stumble around down the street."Umm I'm really sorry about them....Barbies my Stepsister" Michael finally speaks."Oh I'm sorry" I apologize. I find sympathy for him."It's okay she's deserves it for what she just caused". Right then Glimmer Fox and Katniss walk out of the house towards Katniss's car."WAIT KATNISS IM SORRY I CANT EXPLAIN" Peeta yells getting up. But before he can all the girls get in the car and Katniss is the last to shut the door.... Like the first time.

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