Day with Prim!

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"KATNISS KATNISS WAKE UP WE NEED TO GO TO THE MALL" I am woken up by the yelling and tugging of my little sister Prim."Wait What Why" I question in confusion."Your date with Peeta is tomorrow we need to buy you a new outfit"She nags. She must have seen my calendar where I put the date on."Common Katniiiiiiiiiiiissssss Pleaaaaassssseeeee"She emphasizes on my name and please."Okay okay I'm up give me 45" I say and she claps her hands and cheers before running out of my room.
I finishing getting dressed in a skinny sweater jeans and converse."Read- Really you couldn't do anything else with your hair" she questions pointing at my braid."No let's go" I say as she hops down the stairs."MOM DAD WERE LEAVING" I yell since there both asleep from the long trip home."So what are you picking out for me" I asking turning on the radio. She pauses for a moment to think doing the little scrunching thing with her nose she got form me."How about this high low dress I saw at Macy's it's black with a purple bottom" she describes to me which I nod at.
We make it to Macy's in the mall and she spots the dress and runs over to it. "Oh my gosh Katniss look just look at it" she awes in amazement."Grab me a size 4 I tell her and we go and pay for it."What about shoes" she questions."Let's go to Payless" I suggest and she hops around me carrying my bag.
"OOOH look at these Katniss" Prim points out really ugly neon green 10" platform heels."Prim I was think a little more subtle for the dress"."Right" she says putting the show down. I wonder off to the other side of the store."KATNISS" Prim screams. I quickly run over to see if she was hurt to only find her gawking over a pair of sliver 6" heels with diamonds and sparkles. They are really pretty and she finally has found something to fit my style."I love them" I say and she smiles and bows giving me the box to pay. We leave the store and go to a new sushi place that had opened up that Prim has been dying to try she's has told me. We get our seats quickly since there is barely anyone there and we start talking about random subjects until she brings up one that I totally forgot about."So Katniss do you still not remember anything on why you got into an accident" she questions. I still don't remember where I was or what I was doing all I know is I got I to a crash lost my memory from when Moved still thinking I was around Prim's age."No" she looks off to the side a little and frowns."Madge and Annie don't want me talking about this subject much but Katniss I'm telling you now your life was amazing you had a boyfriend and you guys were In love he is still in your life now but you just need to figure out who you are before you can figure out who he is" for only being 13 (I don't recall how old I made prim please tell me in the comments I might just make her 13) she has more wisdom than an elderly person. Before I am able to ask who this mystery guy is the sushi comes."This is so good" Prim smiles in satisfactory."Well I'm glad because I think this has been one of the best days I have had in awhile" I smile at her as she returns the biggest smile she can possibly smile. I love my sister Prim.
Hey guys do you even like this story :-/. It's alright it's a little slow due to me never updating (IKR kill me now)
I'm just excised to start my divergent Fanfiction and I also have a surprise coming on the way right before this HG story ends!!!!!
:•) Love you guys ~Hannah~

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