Chapter 3

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"Guys can you gather all the girls except for Katniss if she asks it's a secret and meet me at my locker quickly" I say to the guys they all nod and walk off to collect the girls.

About 5 minutes later they come back with the girls.

"Okay we're all here. Whats up?" Gale says confused.

"I'm going to ask Katniss to be my girlfriend at the lunch can you guys keep it a secret?"

"AWW YAY I CANT WAIT FOR YOU GUYS TO GO OUT" said the girls in unison.

"I know me too I like her alot" I can feel my face burn red.

"Okay dude good luck" Marvel winks at me as everyone clears out

I finish putting away my books into my locker. Just as I start to walk from my locker Alex grabs me by the collar of my shirt and then roughly kisses me I pull away in disgust. I see Katniss stop at this sight. She stands there with her hand over her mouth. Tears start to roll down her cheek.

"Katniss it's not what it looks like" I try to tell her but before I could finish she has already run off the the bathroom.

It's been a couple of weeks since the sleepover fiasco and the winter formal is coming up and I still haven't got asked out yet. I then see a girl I think her names Alex with her two friends walk towards me.

"Hey Katniss you realize he's not going to ask you.......You know Katniss your not pretty enough for him" she says like she's telling a secret.

I run to the bathroom passing Madge and Peeta with my head down so they don't see me bursting into tears and when I come out just when I thought things could get any worse she has her tongue down Peeta's throat.

"Katniss it's not what it loo-" before he could finish I'm already running to the nearest bathroom. On my way I run past Madge and she notices the tears being shed. I lock myself into the nearest stall.

"Katniss what happend" she says on the other side of the door.

"P-P-Peeta k-kissed Alex" I stutter.

"That fucker" I hear her mutter under her breath.

"Alex is such a bitch, I swear when I get a chance I will rip that barbie blonde hair out of that head of hers" she says.

"How do you know it's wasn't Peeta's fault? He was just leading me on" I sob.

"Katniss I know you might be angry at Peeta but it probably wasn't his fault" I sigh at her words.

"Let's go talk to him" I hear her crouch down to lower herself to my level. I sit up off the floor and Madge stands up as I unlock the stall.

"Are you okay" she asks wiping the mascara away from under my eyes. I nod.

"Let's go find Peeta now" she says taking my wrist lightly and guiding me out of the bathroom. Just as I get out of the bathroom Peeta appears.

"Katniss please please listen don't be mad at me she grabbed me and started kissing me I tried to pull away but she had a grip on me" he stops.

"I like you alot Katniss" he says hopelessly. My whole body tenses. How could I like him back for doing that. I know we weren't dating but we still had something forming and now it's official he likes me but I don't know if I like him back anymore.

"I'm sorry Peeta but I have to go" I panic wiping away a tear from my cheek. I turn away from him and Madge and continue wiping my tears away as I quickly walk to the parking lot.
My parents are at work leaving me with Prim.

"Hi Prim" I say walking into the kitchen.

"Hi Katniss? Why are you home so early?" She questions working on homework.

"Oh I'm fine I'm just feeling a little sick that's all" I lie taking a seat next to her. I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. I take it out and turn it off.

"Oh okay well then can you help me with homework" she asks pushing a piece of paper in between us. I look over the paper.

"Yeah you would be better off asking mom" I laugh weakly.

"How about we watch a movie then" she suggests.

"Great you pick the movie and I'll go get some ice cream" I smile at her run off into the living room. I walk over to the freezer and pull out a tub of chocolate ice cream then I grab 2 bowls and 2 spoons. I start spooning the ice cream into the bowls and put everything away once I'm done.

"We're watching the Maze Runner" I hand her a bowl of ice cream.

"Just what I need Dylan O'brian and a bowl of ice cream" I say taking a seat on the couch".

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