I'm back or am I?

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A/N Hello guys I have been wanting to write this chapter soooo Soo bad!!

This is the chapter when it's Peetas last day at Brier High School (forget about the scholar ship crap pretend it's not in the story) and he goes home to his girlfriend or in this case he doesn't know ex girlfriend but I'm going to fill in what happend between last chapter and now. Peeta has become extremely popular because he is now head captain of the football team and basketball team. He has turned down every girl and remember this was 6 months later from last chapter. He gets weekly updates on Katniss but hasn't heard about Cedric yet. He finally told everyone of his friends about Katniss and what happend. Umm and that's pretty much it for him and Katniss and Cedric have become closer and they love each other deeply now Prim is dating Rory gales younger brother.

Today I get up bright and early before my alarm goes off.

I'm only 8 hours from seeing Katniss. I then can hold her and tell her how much I love her and help her remember.

I take a 15 minute shower. After I get out I leave my hair how it is because Katniss liked it that way and I put on a green shirt a pair of jeans and converse.

I grab my suitcase and all my belongings before heading downstairs to say goodbye to my Grandma.

"Bye Grandma. Thank you for letting me stay here it was nice to see you again" I feel bad I'm leaving her alone again but she's been alone for over 10 years after my grandpa died. I give her a hug goodbye and she waves at me until I pull out of the driveway.

I finally make it to school and my friends come to my car and greet me.

"Hey guys let's get to class I need to get out of here" I say poking beetee in the shoulder. He pretends to be hurt like Finnick used to.

"Gosh someone's in a hurry to leave. You must hate us a lot" Cashmere jokingly says.

"No i just miss home" I say walking to first period.

"Bye guys see you at lunch" I say waving good bye to everyone except Gloss because we share the same classes.

It's finally lunch I have 2 periods to go until the day is over luckily we have an assembly at 5th period so I don't have to sit in class. I meet up with everyone and we walk to lunch. Again I choose not to eat but Gloss insists I take his Cheetos which I do.

"Thanks" I say giving Gloss a half smile.

"Well I don't want you to die before seeing little miss Katniss" he teases. Then Delly and her slut squad walk over.

"Your dating a whore named katpiss I knew she was pathetic but her name is even more pathetic" she laughs.

"Omg Delly I love your outfit" Cashmere says to Delly. Delly looks a little shocked

"Thanks I guess" she says rolling her eyes back to me.

"Wanna know what would make it look even better" Cashmere says slowly picking up her milk carton.

"Ugh what"she says not even facing Cashmere.

"This" Cashmere gets up and spills the milk carton over dellys head and she screams.

"YOU FU*CKING SLUT"she screams running into the nearest bathroom. The whole cafeteria started whistling and chanting Cashmeres name.

"Don't ever say I never did anything for you Mellark" She smiles back.

"Thank you times a lot" I laugh.

We all finally make it to the end of the year assembly and we are the second to last to get to the gym because were 11th graders. The principle walks into the middle of the gym and starts speaking and then when he is over there is a slide show of pictures throughout the year with the song Best Day of my Life by American Authors. A picture of me Beetee and Gloss come up where in the middle of a football game when Delly tried to flash me and the teachers took her away in a blanket.

"Omfg I remember that she had to be dragged away by the health and P.E. teacher" he laughs. When the slide show is over some of the choir people sing and band performs and the day is O-V-E-R over!

When we finally escape the large crowds I reach my car.

"I guess this is it man no more late football nights, and loud party's, no more harassing Delly. I'm gonna cry" Gloss says joking about the last part giving me hug.

"Beetee, Cashmere, Gloss you guys are still my Friends you can come visit anytime. I think you guys would get a kick out of Finnick, and Cashmere the girls would love to have another SHOPPING BUDDY" we all laugh.

"But seriously guys I'll miss you all we'll see eachother again" I say and give everyone another hug and getting into my car.


I am 20 minutes from home when Finnick calls.

Finnick: Hey dude how's it going? The groups excited your coming home we have something planned at your house!

Annie: This is Annie now and everyone is excited for you to come home but Finnick got really excited and put up decorations got these horn things and planned out this whole welcome home party.

Me: Yeah Finnick secretly is in love with me I think everybody knows that *sarcasm*

Me: Anyways I'm about 20-15 minutes away from the house I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!

I hang up with a satisfying smile creeping into my face."God Peeta I'm begging you don't mess this up again" I say thinking about Katniss. It was funny because when we first met Clove said that she looked like a Katniss Mellark. I hear my phone go off again and when I grab it it reads


I take one of my hands off the wheel and take a quick glance on my phone. I hear a loud honk following by a huge crash noise and then the whole world around me turns into a black abyss.

Finding You (under massive editing)Where stories live. Discover now