Chapter 14

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I knew I was in very, very deep while I followed Moody to his office.

It was dark and had loads of things I had never seen before.

"Sit down." He grumbled kicking a stool over to me. I quickly sat and hid my wand up my sleeve. "You've got a good idea, shame it doesn't work." He said looking at my arm.

"X-ray vision?" I questioned.

"Sort of." He sat down on the stool opposite to me.

"If your going to punish me, do it already. I don't need to know a life story or any crap!" I said holding my wand in my hand.

"What makes you think I'm going to punish you?" He growled making my think.

"So your just a creeper then?" I said as he took a gulp out his hip-glass.

"Your power. How?" He asked taking great offence to my previous comment.

"Only if I knew. I only hopped that it would work on Draco, you were sick for doing that." I snapped the last part in anger.

"You have some control over your gifts. Am I correct?" He said standing up and looking in a box.

"Yeah, I don't know what else I can do. Fire and breaking things is my most common." I said.

A scream came from the chest behind me, I jumped and screamed.

"What... is... in... there?" I said heavily breathing.

"Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me." Moody handed me an old, broken charm.

It looked more like a bracelet now.

It was a circle charm with makings on the inside of it, also inside was a mini red crystal with a cut out square in the middle. It was a beautiful silver colour on a simple, thick silver chain.

"It's pretty." I said.

"Use a power on it."

I made a fire appear and it got absorbed into it.

"Should I ask?" I asked holding it.

"It's just proven you have very powerful magic. Endless power, power nobody could even dream of. Come here every Wednesday and I'll help you control them. Now get out of here."

I handed him the charm and quickly headed for the door.

"Miss David." He said before I walked out the door, "loyalty towards your friends won't get you far. 50 house points to Gryffindor anyway." I left the room.

He's strange.


The fourth years were looking forward to Moody's first lesson so much that they arrived early on Thursday lunchtime and queued up outside his classroom before the bell had even rung.

I was the only one not that excited.

On Wednesday I had to create a massive fireball and send it to a target, it was surprisingly hard.

Granger turned up slightly later then me.

"Been in the -"

"Library." Harry finished her sentence for her. "C'mon, quick, or we won't get decent seats."

They hurried into three chairs right in front of the teacher's desk, took out their copies of The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, and waited, unusually quiet.

I sat in the seat next to the window with Pansy also on the front row.

I was the only one who didn't get my book out.

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