don't do drugs

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don't do drugs - chapter forty four


Stiles and I entered the classroom. "So what are we looking for?" I asked him.

He opened a door and I widened my eyes.

"That was supposed to be locked." I said.

"Yeah. I know. Notice anything else?" He mumbled.

"It smells like chemicals."

Stiles turned the flashlight of his phone and started to look for something as I waited him at the door. That's when I remember. If Barrow was here, the wolves wouldn't be able to know.

"They wouldn't have been able to catch his scent." I said and Stiles looked at me, nodding.

He kneeled down and turned his phone to the floor, where I saw blood.

"Stiles, you know something that I always think about... How did my abilities showed up? I mean, Lydia was bit but me..." I mumbled.

"You told me that this happened to you when you were a child, so I think you never had to turn your abilites on. They were there, just waiting to be used." He said, looking at the blood on the floor. "He was here, performing very minor surgery on himself. You and Lydia were right."

"Then why don't I feel good about this?" I mumbled.

"Probably because he was here to kill somebody." Stiles said, looking up.

"But who?"

"That's what we gotta figure out."

Stiles stood up, shoving his phone on his pocket and leaving the room, we walked to classroom.

"We could spread out, start looking for... Anything." He said and we started to moved around the classroom.

I walked towards the board when I saw some numbers on it. 19, 53 and 88. Stiles followed me

"Rosie, what are those?"

"Atomic numbers." I said.

"Is it a formula?" He asked as we stopped in front of the board.

"Not really. 19's potassium. 53's iodine. 88's radium." I mumbled. "The first two make pottasium iodide..." I said, grabbing the chalk and writting the letters next to the numbers.

I wrote and K next to the 19 and Stiles looked at it confused.

"Potassium is K?" He asked.

"From kalium, the scientific neo-latin name. Lydia helped me with this." I said, writing I next to 53.

"What's radium?" Stiles asked.

I wrote Ra next to the 88 and widened my eyes. "R-A."

Stiles looked at me and I heard a lot of voices on my head.



Since Scott was at Kira's house, Stiles drove us to her house just to find Scott passed out on the street.

"Scott!" Stiles yelled, shaking him.

Scott opened his eyes, looking at us a bit confused.

"Scott? Scott!"

Scott sat, really confused and looking at us, there was blood on his forehead.

"Barrow, he took Kira!" Scott said.

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