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colosseum- chapter twenty three


I heard the snoring, so I opened the door to find Stiles sleeping on the floor and Scott sleeping on a chair, with a lot of papers around them. I noticed that the printer is connected, printing other papers.

"Boys?" I called. "Hey, time to wake up."

Sheriff looked at me and shook his head.

"Boys!" I yelled.

Stiles' eyes popped open and he jumped, Scott almost fell from the chair. They got up, still waking up.

"I got to get to work. You three get to school." Sheriff says.

"Dad! Heather?" Stiles yells.

Sheriff shook his head. "No, nothing yet."

When Sheriff leaves the room I give a cup of coffee for each of them.

"Ten hours and nothing!" Stiles groaned.

"Good morning for you two." I smiled.

"We're gonna find something." Scott said.

"Yeah, 'thanks for the coffee, Rosie'. Oh, you're welcome, boys!" I tried.

"Finding something doesn't make Erica any less dead!" Stiles exclaimed. "Or Boyd any less about-to-be dead."

"Maybe if I take my clothes off..." I murmured.

"Well, we still have time." Scott said.

"Yep, I'm going to take my clothes off." I groaned as both of them continued ignoring me.

"Is this whole 'remain optimistic in the face of complete and utter disaster' thing a part of the 'be a better Scott McCall' program?" Stiles asked and Scott smiled.

"Not if it doesn't work."

Stiles sighs. "No, it works."

I grabbed the ham of my shirt and slowly prepared to take if off when Stiles grabbed my hands.

"What are you doing?!"

"Trying to get your freaking attention?" I rolled my eyes.

He shook his head and grabbed one of the papers, reading it. "Oh... Dad! Dad? Dad!" He yelled, getting out of the room before shoving the paper on my face.

I looked at it, where there was a picture of Sheriff arresting someone.


Stiles groaned as we get out the jeep, he quickly grabs my hand and we began to walk with Scott.

"Alright, so we meet at Derek's at 5:00 to go over the plan, and then we don't get started until dark."

"Okay.. What do we do till then?" Stiles asked and I heard the school bell ringing.

"What, right now? We've got english." I mumbled.

Scott walked into the classroom and before I could follow him, Stiles held my arm.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Sorry for what happened at my house."

"It's fine, Stiles, I know you two were just messing with me."

"Yeah? You're not mad?"

"I was joking!" I kissed his cheek.

"I-I know I've been worrying a lot about Heather and uh, the kiss on the other night--I-- and the condom. I'm sorry, I feel like I'm not really giving you the attention you deserve."

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