that'll bruise

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that'll bruise– chapter ten

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I was with Stiles in the Sheriff's desk, my dad called him yesterday and started to yelling, it was ridiculous.

"So, you guys are dating?" The Sheriff asked.

"Yeah, dad."

"Wow. I couldn't imagine this. I mean... I thought you had a thing for Lydia."

"I did. But now I have a thing for Rosalie..." I chuckled.

"Oh." The sheriff nods. "Okay. I like this. I just don't get with your father was so um... weird on the phone, Rosalie."

"Yeah, coach hates me." Stiles said.

"That's not true." I spoke. "My dad is just too protective."

"Ok. Let's eat now. I'm starving." Stiles said.

We sat at the table and Stiles took the burgers we had bought.

"Oh, what the hell is this?" Sheriff gave us a disgusted look. "Stiles?"

"Veggie burger." Stiles answered.

"Stiles, I asked for a hamburguer."

"Well, veggie is healthier, we're being healthy." Stiles said, eating his salad.

I chuckled when Sheriff sighed.

Sheriff groaned, as he noticed the celery and carrot stick that took the place of his fries. "Oh, hell, why are you trying to ruin my life?" He said, looking at Stiles.

"Okay, I'm trying to extend your life, okay? Could you just eat it, please?"

I rolled my eyes and gave my fries to Stiles' father.

"Oh, no, Rosalie!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Stiles, let him eat the fries!"

Stiles shook his head "Tell us what you found."

"No, I'm not sharing confidential police work with teenager's."

"Is that it on the board behind you?" I asked and Stiles smirked.

Sheriff looked at him. "Don't look at that."

"Alright." Stiles mumbled, we were looking at the board.

"Avert your eyes."

"Okay." I nod, still looking at it.

"Hey!" Sheriff exclaimed.

"Just--It's Just--- I see arrows pointing at pictures."

"Okay, okay, stop." He sighs. "Fine. I found something." We looked at him. "Mechanic and the couple who were murdered. They all had something in common."

"All three?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah. You know what I always say. One's an incident. Two's coincidence..."

"Three's a pattern." Stiles finished.

"The mechanic, the husband, the wife--all the same age. All twenty four."

"Wait a minute, but what about Mr. Lahey?" I asked again." I mean, Isaac's dad isn't anywhere near twenty four...."

"Which made me think that either, a) Lahey's murder wasn't connected, or b) the ages were a coincidence, until I found this, which would be c. Did you know that Isaac Lahey had an older brother named Cameron?" He slid a folder across the desk.

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