Chapter 5: Let the Games Begin

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Okay sorry I took so long to post I had a lot going on hope you guys like it though!!!!!

Chapter 5- Let the games begin

It has been four days since Scarlette and I waged war. It was kind of weird to me because something should have happened by now. It doesn’t take this long for the war to start. Well hey it is Saturday you never know it could start today.  Especially since we don’t take any classes on the weekends. I didn’t do it in high school and I refuse to do it now. Sure it could make my courses go faster, but I do have a life you know. Or at least I think I do anyways.

I was making my way down the dorm halls just minding my own business, when I heard two familiar voices. One for sure I knew was Scarlette, but I couldn’t really make out the other one. I know she was probably just with one of her latest boy toys. Still I was curious as to who it was this time. Most people have a little black book, but not Scarlette. She has a damn composition notebook and I don’t’ think it has any more space. You know curiosity killed the cat. Well before it killed the cat the cat ate the rat. Oh really, but before the cat ate the rat the rat ate the cheese. Well this is where you lose Kimmy because cheese was made to be eaten. Touché Saphie, touché. I have won the internal battle with Kimmy. Ok now where was I, oh right Scar. Being the curious person I am; I went to check it out. As I banked the corner I saw something. Something I never thought I would see ever.

Scarlette and Gabriel were making out!! I went into a temporary state of shock. I mean seriously Scar, Gabriel. Of all the people in this school, she had to pick Gabriel. Then it hit me, how could I forget we were at war. Although the fact that here he is making out with her when not so long ago he was hitting on me. Rage starts to pool in the pit of my stomach, and then I realize maybe I do hate this guy. What I felt the other day was just an unknown feeling that I now have the pleasure of naming. Yes, it was hatred.

“Umm, Saphire,” Scarlette asked managing to snap me out of my thoughts.

Gabriel was too busy kissing her neck to notice me. Obviously when Scar said my name it made him stop. Almost like he was in a trance and the sound of my oh-so-beautiful name was the only thing to snap him out of it. Yes my name has that much power. Don’t we know it?  I am so like Mufasa; just the sound of my name emanates power.  

“What do you want?” he snapped at me. Now he was holding Scar by her waist and pulling her flush against him. Aww he has no idea that I honestly could care less who he’s with. Although maybe he should know that if he hurts her I’ll have his balls for breakfast. Not literally that would be just gross.

“Well now, I came to see my best friend,” I said through clenched teeth trying to keep my cool. It is going to be hard if he’s going to get snappy.

“Ok, you saw her now go she’s busy,” Gabriel said angrily.

 I am trying so hard to keep my hands from just reaching up and slapping him. Scarlette now had a smile on her face. She knew that this was upsetting me, that he was upsetting me. Why did she have to know me so well to know that this would upset me? I see that she isn’t going to go easy for this war. Then I remembered my promise. Oh this war IS going down in history, and I shall not be the loser. I am a war goddess and I shall have my victory. No one can deny me that.

“Alright then Scar, let the games begin,” I said now with my normal serene voice.

“They already have,” Scarlette said. Just then I saw a confused look on Gabriel’s face.

“What games are you guys talking about?” he asked curiously.

“Don’t worry you’ll see soon enough,” I said a wicked grin spreading across my face. “Oh and please don’t be looking at my ass as I sashay out of here.” As I walked away Beyoncé’s song ‘Grown Woman’ played in my mind. Yeah I’m awesome.

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