Chapter 28

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Scorpius Malfoy

I picked up the Daily Prophet. It read:

'Young girl vanishes from home. Parents said to be missing.'

This couldn't be good. It didn't say the girls name (probably confidential reasons). This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Someone last week from Hogwarts went missing. Luckily, they found him. Apparently, it was the work of Death Eaters. Trying to recruit people. I was scared it was going to be someone much closer next time. I would kill whoever it was if they took Rose.

"Scorpius! Could you come here for a minute please?" Dad's voice echoed through the house. At the moment, Mum was still in hospital but she was coming home next Tuesday.

I made my way downstairs to find Dad looking very anxious with his hands clasped together: like he was about to tell me something very worrying.

"Sit down." He told me. I followed his orders, unsure what was going on.

"Is everything alright? Is Mum-"

"No, no no. It's not about Mum. She's fine." I let out a sigh of relief.

"So what is it then?"

"You know that article in the newspaper about that girl who's gone missing? I've just had a message from Mr Potter. Turns out it's Rose's best friend. Maisie Greensdale. They found her on the side of a road. They don't know what's happened to her parents but she's got minor injuries." Dad explained.

"What happened?" I asked completely shocked.

"They don't know. But it's not looking good. I'm going to have to go and help with the investigation. Will you be alright on your own for a couple of hours?"

"Of course Dad I'm not a child." I rolled my eyes.

"This is scary stuff Scorpius. I hope you understand that. There's been a lot of speculation about a Third Wizarding War. I think it started a long time ago." Dad sighed. He walked out the door and closed it behind him.

I sat in silence for about 20 minutes. How could something like this happen to Maisie? She was such a kind and caring person. She didn't deserve something like this. The Death Eaters were trying to destroy the good side and at the moment, it looked like they were succeeding.

I had a feeling that this wasn't going to end well. 


It was now dark and Dad still wasn't home. There was a nervous feeling in my stomach as he hadn't sent a Patronus. I hoped that nothing had happened to him. I couldn't lose him.

I heard the front door open.

"Dad?" I called out.

"You wish." Adrianna walked in and sat down.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Dad sent me a Patronus telling me to come and sit with you. He doesn't know when he will be home." Adrianna explained.

"What is he doing?"

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