Chapter 18

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Rose Weasley

"Milla?" I asked hoping that she wasn't actually dead.

She opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"Rose? What's going on? Where am I?" She asked looking round as she sat up.

"You're in the undertakers. We thought you were dead!" I cried.

"But I'm not! I know what it is! I found something in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes that could help fake a death. I bought it because of the events that had been going on recently. It was a special potion. It makes me look like I have died but it wears off after a day or two." Milla explained.

"Wow. That's extremely clever. I'm just glad you're not actually dead." I sighed in relief.

Headmistress McGonagall then walked into the room and was stunned at what she saw.

"Miss Lawson? You're alive? I don't understand." Headmistress McGonagall looked confused.

"It's ok Headmistress. I had a special potion that fakes a death and then wears off after a day or two, I bought it because of these events."

"I see. I'll have a word with Madam Pomfrey. Other than that you're free to go."

"Thank you."

We both then headed back to Gryffindor Common Room. As we walked in, it was deserted. That was a good thing as we didnt want loads of people crowding round.

"I'll go get Ruby and Emmelie." I said. I sprinted up to the seventh year dormitories and knocked on the door.

Ruby opened the door.

"You better come downstairs. There's something I've got to show you." I said.

"What's going on?" Emmelie asked.

"This could come as a bit of a shock."

Both of them then saw Milla and immediately sprinted over and pulled her into a hug. I could make out they were crying with happiness. I then proceeded to the boys dormitories where I managed to get James, Fred and Alex out. Fred refused at first but he eventually gave in.

I don't think I've ever seen such a shocked face as that of Fred Weasley. I then made my way to my own dormitory where Maisie was.

"You are never going to believe this. Milla is alive!" I said.

"What?! But how?" Maisie replied.

"She had a potion that faked a death. She got it because of the events that are going on." I smiled.

"That's clever. Where did she get it from?" Maisie asked

"My Uncle's shop." I said. I knew Uncle George would come up with something like that. He had told me he had been working on something like that. He could be very wise sometimes.

"Listen I spoke to Damien this morning. He told me you should go and visit Scorpius because he's feeling quite low at the moment." Maisie said.

"I think I will tomorrow. I know he'll be ok. He's tough." I sighed.

"Of course he is. He's a Malfoy." Maisie laughed.

"Yes he is."


Lessons were cancelled. Again. I just don't see why we all get sent home. If we are just going to stay in our dormitories all day then there was no point in being at Hogwarts. I had decided to go and visit Scorpius. I knew he was still in a bad way.

However, when I got to Slytherin Common Room, Blake told me he wasn't in his dormitory and that he had gone for a walk somewhere. I searched the corridors looking for him but he was no where to be seen. I then stepped outside into the air and searched the grounds. I then found him sitting against a tree staring into space.

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