Chapter 6

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Rose Weasley

For the next few days, myself and Lucy have been piecing the puzzle together trying to figure out who were the two boys. 

"Hang on, I've got it!" Lucy suddenly said.

"Who?" I asked desperate to know. 

"I believe they are Marcus Fox and Reece Cooper." Lucy stated.

"Aren't they beaters on the Slytherin Quidditch team?" I asked.

"Yeah...." Lucy said.

"Come on lets go and find Melissa and Ella." I said. We needed to go down to breakfast anyway.

Lucy nodded and we quickly headed down towards the Great Hall.

"Rose!" I heard someone call my name. I turned round to see Scorpius.

"You go on. I'll catch you up." I told Lucy. She nodded and headed off.

"How are you?" Scorpius asked looking at my injuries with a grimace.

"I'm fine. Well I've looked better." I laughed.

"Glad to see you back." He smiled at me.

"Thank you." I told him but not without blushing. I then went to find Lucy.

Why did I blush in front of him? Why did I feel a little nervous? 

Pull yourself together Rose.

I caught up with Lucy and we spotted Melissa and Ella just walking into the Great Hall.

"Have you find out their identity?" Ella asked as we me made our way over to them.

"Yes, their names are Marcus Fox and Reece Cooper" I said.

"They hang out a lot together despite them two being in the year above her." Melissa sighed.

"They're watching us you know." Lucy said uneasy. 

We looked over to see Rachel, Marcus and Reece glaring at us. I rolled my eyes as they went into quiet whispers.

"We'll meet you outside the Great Hall after lessons and go and tell Headmistress McGonagall." Melissa said. 

"Ok." Lucy nodded and we headed off in separate directions.

Lucy went to sit with her friends and I went to find Maisie.

"What were you talking to Melissa Kennedy and Ella Ferguson about?" Maisie asked me as I sat down.

"Me and Lucy found out who were the two mystery men." I replied.

"Really? Who?"

"Marcus Fox and Reece Cooper."

"What about them?" Albus said as he sat down followed by Josh and Jenson.

"They're the two who attacked Rose and Melissa and poisoned Ella." Maisie said.

"Them two are so cocky. Always trying to cause trouble." Josh frowned.

"I know." I sighed.

I know I was doing the right thing, going to tell McGonagall. But would there be any consequences or justice?

I really wanted to find out.


Me, Lucy, Melissa and Ella were heading towards Headmistress' McGonagall's office when we were suddenly stopped by three people that I wanted to avoid. 

"And where do you think you're going?" Rachel asked.

"Why do you care?" Lucy spat.

"Be quiet Weasley! Answer my question." Rachel glared at Lucy.

"What's going on?" James asked as the whole Weasley-Potter clan surrounded us including all of their friends. Great.

"None of your business Potter!" Marcus snapped. 

"Shut up Fox!" Fred glared at him.

"Be quiet the pair of you!" I said.

"Let me ask you again, where do you think you're going?" Rachel asked getting more angrier.

"Well we're going to Headmistress McGonagall because we know that it was both of your companions that attacked Rose and Melissa and they posioned me. All your idea I'm guessing." Ella shrugged.

"You'll do no such thing." Rachel said drawing out her wand.

"Or what?" Ella said drawing out hers as well.


"Expelliarmus!" Lily suddenly shot a spell at Rachel that sent her wand flying out of her hand and into Lily's.

"Watch it Potter!" Reece said.

"Don't talk to my sister like that!" James bravely stood up to him.

"James be careful." Ruby Forest, James' girlfriend said.

"He isn't worth it mate." Alex Graves, James' best mate said to him. Alex Graves was like family because his mum Alexis Graves nee Winslow was Aunt Ginny's best friend.

"Yeah do as your told Potter, same to you Forest." Rachel muttered that last part of the sentence. 

"What did you say to me?" Ruby asked.

"You heard." Rachel glared.

"Come on lets go find McGonagall." Melissa said and I was just about to walk away when Rachel grabbed me by the wrist holding a firm grip.

"If you take one more step, I'll make sure more damage is done than before." Rachel's voice became scarier.

"Back off my sister!" Hugo shouted but a spell was shot at him by Reece and he was sent flying back. Dominique and Roxanne quickly ran over to see if he was ok.

"He's alright Rose, you go snitch on that bitch and her sidekicks." Roxanne reassured me.

"WHAT IS IT WITH YOU WEASLEY'S AND YOUR SNARKY COMMENTS!" Rachel shouted. As she did this, I tugged out of her grip and ran up the stairs, Lucy, Melissa and Ella closely following me.

"Girls, girls, slow down, what's wrong?" Headmistress McGonagall asked as we ran into her office.

"It was Rachel Douglas who hurt me and Melissa and poisoned Ella. She got Marcus Fox and Reece Cooper to do it for her." I quickly explained whilst trying to catch my breath.

"Are you sure?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes, I've noticed some strange things with Rachel and I'm 100% positive." Lucy said while we all agreed. 

"Very well, I will forward this information to Mr Potter." Headmistress McGonagall smiled.

"Thank you." We all said and we made our way out of her office.

I smirked as I saw the look on Rachel's face as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"You stupid girl!" Rachel screamed as she pinned me up against the wall. Fred had to wrestle with her to get her off me and she stormed off. Her two companions slowly following her behind.

"Rose are you ok?" Hugo asked me as he pulled me into a hug. It looked like he had woken up. For 14 years old, he was bloody tall. Taller than me! Then again, Mum said he had inherited Dad's genes.  

"I'm fine." I smiled and sighed out in relief.

"Be careful from now on Rose. In fact all of us be careful. We never know, she might hurt one of us next." James said.

We all nodded and headed back to our Common Rooms.

Today had been pretty eventful.


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