Chapter 5

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Rose Weasley

I'm losing my mind here in St Mungos. Sitting in this bed day in day out. It's driving me crazy.

I hate not being able to talk to Maisie, Albus, Josh or Jenson. It's completely unfair.

"Rose don't worry. You'll be out of here soon." Mum tried to reassure me.

"But Mum I hate it in here! I miss my friends, I miss Hogwarts, god knows how much work I'm missing!" I sighed.

A healer then ushered Mum out of the room. I hope she was telling Mum that I could leave today but that's highly unlikely.

Mum then came back into the room looking pleased.

"You can come home today darling!" Mum smiled.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"The Healers say that you are not at risk of any infections or diseases so you are free to go. The bruises on your face will go down. As it's Thursday afternoon, I'll take you home and you can go back Friday morning. I need to ask Headmistress McGonagall something first." Mum explained and produced a Patronus.

I was grinning like a hyena. I couldn't wait to be back at Hogwarts. While at St Mungos, it had actually hit me how much I missed Hogwarts. I was so relieved to be going back.

"Headmistress McGonagall has said that you won't have to do any lessons on Friday and that you can return to normal on Monday." Mum said.

I nodded and began to get my things together. Once everything was packed away, I held Mum's hand and we apparated back home.

Dad was still at work, so I went upstairs to put a few belongings away. It felt weird to be back at home during the middle of school time.

I hadn't actually seen the extent of my injuries to I went over to my mirror and gasped at what I saw.

My right eye had a massive bruise on my face. My forehead had a few cuts and parts of my face were swollen. I tried not to touch the bruise on my face but it was very hard not to. My left wrist was bandaged from where it had been fractured. Other than that I was ok.

"I've just spoken to Dad and he says he's coming home from work earlier." Mum stood in the doorway of my room.

"Ok" I replied and walked out of the room down to the sitting room.

Our house was pretty big. Mum had said that Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister of Magic had given everyone who had fought in the war, hundreds of Galleons. Those who had also lost family members also got a large sum of money which meant that Grandma and Grandad Weasley also got some money since Uncle Fred had died during the war.

The house had massive bedrooms, a spacious living room, complete with a big kitchen and massive garden.

It was a dream home.

Suddenly, the front door sounded which meant that Dad was home.

"Hi Dad," I smiled and went to give him a hug, nearly getting squashed to death in the process.

"Glad to see you looking bright again Rosie." Dad smiled at me.

It's always nice to have your family's support.


I was in Headmistress McGonagall's office. Mum had just left. I had hardly ever been in her office, only when talking about school problems, never for getting into trouble. That was James and Fred's job. They even had their own chair's for when they were sent there. They were certainly troublemakers.

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