Chapter 10

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Rose Weasley

The family owl had just dropped the Daily Prophet down on the table. I looked at the headline and gasped:

Three students behind threat at Hogwarts: "Attack will happen sometime this week"

"Bloody hell." Josh gasped as sat next to while Maisie, Albus and Jenson sat across from me. 

"What does it say?" Albus asked.

I showed them the newspaper and they too looked shocked. Everyone else around us had a copy of the Daily Prophet and were all reading it. Small whispers could be heard. Everyone was terrified.

"Why are they doing this?" Maisie sighed.

"Who knows? We don't even know what their motive is." Jenson said.

"What does the article say?" Albus asked.

Josh took it from me and began to read it out:

'Three students who have abandoned their education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry  and are now in hiding in order to plan an "attack" on the school have said that the attack is likely to take place sometime this week. 

In an undercover interview, Rachel Douglas, 16, said that there is a strong motive on why she wanted to attack Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:

'It's because of an incident that happened back in third year with another girl. She didn't apologise for something she did. It hurt me. I told the teachers and they didn't do anything. I felt alone, but then I met a boy in my house. I tried to be nice to him but he didn't seem interested. He began to tease the girl and I saw it differently.'

Miss Douglas has said that she ordered her friends Marcus Fox and Reece Cooper, both aged 17, to hurt two other students who had apparently been seen with the boy. 

'I feel jealous a lot of the time. My anger can get the better of me. But I don't regret my actions.

Hogwarts should be prepared because I plan to get revenge. With the help of some old friends.'

It all made sense now to me! In third year I accidentally ruined Rachel's Potion. Professor Slughorn had put people in different houses in partners to be able to "bond and make new friends." I actually did apologise so she was lying about that. She had told me it was ok and that it didn't matter. I knew that an apology wasn't enough because she had told me Potions was her favourite subject and that she had planned to continue on with it in the future but she said that it was fine. The boy she was talking about was obviously Scorpius. I hadn't seen her trying to flirt with him though. But I knew she liked him but I didn't realise her feelings were that strong.

"So that's her motive! No wonder she doesn't like you Rose." Maisie said.

"I know, she's lying about me not apologising after I ruined her Potion." I said.

"I know, I heard you." Maisie agreed.

"Has McGonagall read this?" Jenson asked.

"I'm guessing so because she looks very nervous." Josh said and we all looked up towards the staff table. Indeed, McGonagall looked very anxious.

"Well, we know how to handle this kind of stuff. Especially the Potters and Weasleys. With our parents being famous." Albus said.

"I heard that Mum and Dad were coming to help us end this because they know that Azkaban prisoners will be there as they have broken out." I sighed. 

"Yeah. We're going to need their help." Albus agreed.

"We've got everyone backing us. We are not going down without a fight." Jenson said.

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