Chapter 1

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Rose Weasley


God I hate that boy so much.

All he does is torment me until I hex him.

Why does he do that?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Let me take you back to 15th May this year. When I lost the plot.

"Watch where you're going Malfoy!" I complain as he "accidentally" walks into me.

"Whoops sorry Weaselette. Hang on let me crouch down to your height so you can look me in the face." He smirks and red flushes across my face.

I grab my wand in my pocket and point it directly at him.

I hex him.

God it felt so good to put a Malfoy in his place.

"Miss Weasley! My office now!" Headmistress McGonagall unfortunately ruined the feel good moment and barked at me.

I sighed and walked slowly to her office cautious that Scorpius was following me his face as red as my favourite lipstick.

I would continue on with the story but it's all McGonagall telling me off blah blah blah. So I'll end it there.

"Study hard this year Rosie, just because your OWLS are over doesn't mean you relax on your work." Dad told me as we made our way to Platform 9 3/4.

God he's said that 3 times already.

"I know Dad. I promise to work hard." I rolled my eyes.

"Thank God you've got your mothers brains." I heard Dad mutter.

"Ronald!" Mum said unimpressed.

"Don't I get any credit in this family?!" Hugo threw his arms up.

"Sorry Hugo." Mum said.

I laughed at my family.

We made it onto the platform and I quickly said goodbye to Mum and Dad and me and Hugo climbed onto the train. Hugo went off to find Lily and I went to try and find Albus.

After searching numerous compartments I ended up bumping into the person I least wanted to see this year.

Malfoy. Great.


"Malfoy." I sneered back.

"I still haven't forgotten that little hex in fifth year." He smirked at me.

"Really with a brain the size of yours I thought you would've." I glared at him practically standing on my tiptoes.

He was so much taller than me.

"Oh really?" He still smirked at me and then he walked away.

God he annoys me to the moon and back.

I finally found Albus in a compartment.

"You alright Rose?" He asked me.

I'm In Love.... With The Enemy? (A Harry Potter Next Generation Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now