Chapter 14

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Scorpius Malfoy

It was time to go back to Hogwarts. The Aurors were working tirelessly trying to search for Jamie but so far they had not been successful.

"Come on Scorpius." Mum ushered me into the car at quarter past 10. Many parents had received a letter saying that all students must come back to school even though the school was still on a high threat of another attack. Mum didn't want me to go but I persuaded her to let me. Deep down, I didn't want to go myself but I was showing how brave I was by going.

I suspected all the Weasleys and Potters children were going back as well. I guessed that their parents didn't want them going as much as my parents didn't want me going.

The journey to Kings Cross went fairly quickly compared to the usual journeys. Soon, I found myself in front of platforms 9 and 10. I took a run at the wall with my trolley and my eyes became fixed upon the beautiful, scarlet red Hogwarts Express. Mum and Dad soon followed after me.

"Please be careful Scorpius. Don't go causing trouble and always watch your surroundings at all times." Dad told me.

"Me? Cause trouble? Never!" I laughed.

Mum and Dad quickly gave me a hug and wouldn't let go of me. I felt like I was being suffocated. I looked round to see all the parents giving their children bone-crushing hugs not wanting them to leave. Most of the parents here fought in the Battle Of Hogwarts and they knew that they didn't want their children being caught up in something so frightening.

I climbed onto the train, just as the clock struck eleven, and the train slowly pulled out of the station. I looked in various compartments trying to find Damien and Blake. I ended up bumping into Rose.

"I guessed you insisted on coming back to Hogwarts." I said after I gave her a hug.

"Obviously. I'm being brave by going." Rose sighed.

"Has all your family come back?" I asked.

"Yes. None of the parents wanted them to go though. but they agreed once we all told them they went back to school when Snape was Headmaster."

Severus Snape was headmaster at Hogwarts for a short time when Lord Voldemort was at large. He was killed during the Battle of Hogwarts.

Rose then went to sit with her friends and I found Damien and Blake.

"Thank god you came back." Damien said.

"Mum and Dad didn't want me going but I persuaded them to let me go." I sighed.

"Same here." Blake nodded.

It wasn't long before the Hogwarts Express pulled into the Station and all the students hopped off, all of them with a look of worry etched on their face.

Everyone was silent heading to the carriages. No one knew what to say. The journey up to the castle was immensely quiet. It was nice to see all the lights inside the castle and the Great Hall still had a warm feeling when you walked in. You felt welcome and it made me not feel afraid.

The feast went quite quickly. Headmistress McGonagall then stood up and addressed the hall.

"Good evening students. Welcome back for a new term. I know some of you are scared about what the future holds. Your parents are concerned for safety. I can assure you now, the school has the best security guaranteed and I hope you take this into account. Aurors will be patrolling everywhere in the school grounds and they mean the best in keeping you and our school safe. I suggest you all to go bed and get a good nights sleep." 

Everyone got up and made their way back to their respective common rooms. Blake and Damien followed shortly behind me as we weaved in and out of students on our way to Slytherin Common Room.

I was glad that the common room hadn't changed. It gave me comfort, knowing that remained the same. Myself, Blake and Damien made our way up to our dormitory. 

"Dad told me that he would send an Owl to update us on how the search for Jamie is going." I said sitting down on my bed. 

"It feels weird seeing his bed empty." Blake sighed looking over at Jamie's empty bed. 

"They'll find him. They've got the best people looking for him." Damien said.

Of course we nodded. He was right. Jamie was going to be ok.


Hi guys! Sorry it's been a while. I've been super busy!

Sorry it's such a rubbish chapter. There's some exciting stuff coming up soon, so keep an eye out!

Thanks for reading!

Alice x

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