Chapter 17

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Rose Weasley

Scorpius hasn't been out of his dormitory. I'm getting more worried but I feel like he needs time to himself. He had been hurt pretty badly during that wand fight but luckily, he wasn't that badly injured.

When I got hurt, I wanted to hide away because I felt scared of what might happen to me next. But I learnt that putting on a brave face, was the best medicine that could help you recover.

"Rose let Scorpius be alone. He feels traumatised at the moment." Maisie told me.

"I am Maisie. I know what he's going through." I sighed.

"I know you do. He'll be fine." Maisie smiled.

"I just want him to know that I'm here for him."

"He knows that. Give it a couple of days and he'll be back to normal."

"I guess."


The next morning was sunny and there was still a cold breeze in the air. The days were beginning to get brighter but it was still freezing outside. Myself and Maisie were sat in the Great hall eating breakfast while Albus, Josh and Jenson had already gone off to lesson. Lessons were back underway as McGonagall had instructed that our learning cannot be disrupted any longer.

"Where are the teachers?" Maisie asked. I looked round to see none of the teachers at the front of the hall.

"I don't know. That's a little odd." I replied.

"Maybe they're in a meeting talking about something important." Maisie shrugged taking a bite of her toast.

"Like what?"

"Like about.... them three." Maisie whispered.

"What else is there to say? We can't do anything else. We are as prepared as we can be." I said.

"I know. They've gotta be talking about them though. Why else would they be in a meeting?" Maisie replied.

"To talk about the school?"

"To talk about how we're under attack. Come on Rose they can't be talking about anything else."

Maisie was right. Every teacher was concerned for our safety. They've got to be talking about how to get rid of this.

"Come on let's head to lesson." I said.

Maisie got up and we made our way to our next lesson. As we were walking I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Someone lying on the floor. This couldn't be good.

I turned my head and saw Milla Lawson lying unconscious on the cold stone floor. Her hair was flung out behind her and there was a small pool of blood where her head was laying.

"Oh my god what's happened now?" Maisie cried.

"Go and get James and Fred. Find McGonagall as well!" I replied.

Maisie nodded and ran off down the corridor. I tried shaking Milla to see if she would wake but she didn't. I picked up her wrist and tested for a pulse. I breathed out a sigh of relief when I found one.

Suddenly Headmistress McGonagall came round the corner with Maisie running behind her.

"I searched everywhere for James and Fred but I couldn't find them." Maisie panted.

"Did you see this? What happened?" McGonagall asked the both of us.

"We were heading to lesson when we found her Headmistress." Maisie explained.

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