Chapter 16

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Scorpius Malfoy

I had just received a letter from Mum saying that there were currently no new leads in the search for Jamie. I beginning to feel sick with worry but I knew that I had to hide it and be strong, not to give up hope. But at times like this, clinging onto hope was beginning to be difficult and in some circumstances, the strain was beginning to show.

Lessons were cancelled today due to Headmistress McGonagall hearing of a possible attack today so everyone was up in their dormitories. If this was what it was going to be like from now on, then there was no point of anyone being here. If the Ministry were not going to do anything, then everyone should be away from Hogwarts, as it seems the threat is at its largest. The Ministry loved to make decisions right at the last minute and it was completely ridiculous.

I decided to go and take a walk as I was spinning out of my head with boredom. Where to go to? Gryffindor Common Room to find Rose? Maybe not such a great idea as I didn't know the password to get into the Common Room. She didn't know the password to get into the Slytherin Common Room (Merlin in case any of you were wondering) anyway. That was a pointless idea.

Let's just walk around the school and see where it takes me. The Black Lake maybe? Headmistress McGonagall didn't really want any students out of their common rooms but she couldn't force us to stay in there all day. We all needed fresh air.

I reached the changing stair cases and it took me along a corridor outside. The January air was crisp and the nights were downright arctic. Snow was settling softly on the ground and it was strange for Britain to get snow as normally we had an unusual weather pattern.

Everywhere was covered in a white blanket of snow. It looked so beautiful and magical. I saw a figure in the distance siting by a tree reading a book. As I got closer, the face became more recognisable. His hair was messy and he looked as pale as a ghost. Maybe he actually was a ghost? But he wasn't because it was a real figure with light brown hair. When he looked up, I gasped.

It was Jamie.

"Jamie?! Oh my god are you ok?! What on earth happened?" I quickly sat down beside him and wrapped my coat around him.

"They came for my family. Rachel, Marcus and Reece, I'm almost sure of it. My parents are dead. Right in front of me they were killed. Katie and Luke don't know. I can't contact them. I don't know what to do." Jamie whimpered. Katie and Luke were his older brother and sister.

"It's ok. You're safe now. How long have you been in the Forbidden Forest?" I asked.

"Only a few days. I came here to escape and it felt like a good option because I will then be closer to the school. All I have is this book. My sister gave it to me in case I needed it in desperate times. I would count this as desperate." Jamie explained.

I quickly casted a patronus and sent it to Dad. Hopefully, he and some other Aurors would arrive soon and we could get Jamie to St Mungos to be treated.

However, 10 minutes passed and still no help had arrived. It was quite strange and I didn't know what was going on. I then saw figures dressed in black walking towards us. This couldn't be good.

"Who are you?" I asked, scared of what might happen.

"We've come for revenge. Can't you tell?" The voice spoke. I didn't recognise it.

"Did they send you hear?" Jamie shuddered. Despite everything that he had been through these past 2 weeks, he was brave.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do. Don't play dumb with us."

"I'd watch it if I were you Winchester. Who would want you to go down the same route as your parents?" Another voice spoke.

Wands were suddenly drawed out of pockets and a raging battle was taking place. It was two against two.

I was knocked off my feet onto the cold ground and I felt a twig scratch my cheek. I wasn't going to let them win so I grabbed my wand and fired a spell that sent the Death Eater flying into the air.

Jamie had managed to deal with his Death Eater and we quickly sprinted away. From looking at Jamie, it was obvious that he hadn't survived as well as I had hoped. He was thinner and weaker and was emptying the tank as we sprinted away.

The view of the castle stood in front of us. Looking at both of us, we had escaped unharmed but scarred. We had many cuts over our faces. I was seriously hoping that help would arrive now because we needed it.

"Where is everyone? Shouldn't lessons be going on by now?" Jamie panted.

"McGonagall has cancelled lessons until this "threat" is over. It could be a while though. I doubt it will go away that quickly." I replied as I caught my breath.

I heard the sound of someone apparating several kilometres away. I looked over to find Dad with a bunch of Aurors. Finally. Maybe now we can get away and get treatment.

"Dad? Where the hell have you been?! I sent a Patronus ages ago and you turn up now?!" I cried.

"We were told we couldn't apparate into the Forbidden Forest, we had to change our plans." Dad told me.

Soon, we all apparated to St Mungos and myself and Jamie were being treated for our  injuries. I was ok and released not long after I had been treated but Jamie would have to stay in for a few days. He was a lot worse off than me. 

I got back to Hogwarts to find a lot of people staring at me. News travelled quite fast round Hogwarts so I wasn't surprised. I just walked quickly back to my dormitory and shut myself away. I didn't want to see anyone. Not even Rose. I needed to clear my head of today's events. 

It made me realise that I should help defeat those evil monsters once and for all. For the sake of the Wizarding World. For the sake of Hogwarts. For the sake of all my friends and family. For the sake of the girl I love. For the sake of me. 


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