Chapter 20: The End Is Just The Beginning

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One day later...

Applejack is still missing, as she is with her father and Klaus Pear, suffering through the truth.

Meanwhile, Rarity and the girls are in the process of making magic powers and coming up with a plan to get Applejack back.

They are determined to get their dear best friend back. The girls are ride or die. They need each other and can't live without each other. That is the definition of true friendship.

Rarity's POV

So far, it has been one day, and we are doing so good on creating magic powers and costumes.

It's weird but Twilight found a book, it contains information saying that the world is magical.

People can have powers without putting DNA or anything inside their bodies, like it's in their blood already, but it's not easy. For example, pure bloods.

That stuff is way too complicated for someone like me.

But, oh please, I don't know if I believe that. The world is magical? Okay, sureeee..

I got to admit, though. The costumes are just beautifully perfect!

The girls and I got to choose our powers. I chose my power to be able to create things by just thinking it out.

We are so ready to save my darling.. Almost.

LOCATION: Twilight's house
ROOM: Library

"The magic costumes are officially completed! I did study and triple checked.." Twilight said, sweating a lot.

I'm not sure if Twilight was trying to convince us or herself. She looked nervous but I don't blame her. It has to be perfect so we can save Applejack.

That burden must be heavy on Twilight.

But we have to save her..

"Follow me." Twilight said, leading us to her mannequins that had costumes on it with names labeled on it.

"Woah, Twilight! This is awesome, my costume is definitely so 20% cooler!" Rainbow exclaimed, admiring her costume.

"Ooo, it looks really nice!" Fluttershy said, smiling.

"It's so gorgeous, my darling! I can't—" I said, pausing, due to too much of excitement and I was proud of myself and us.

"Yeah, Twily! You did a WONDERFUL job!" Pinkie said, walking over to a blushing Twilight, then she tickled her.

"Thank yo- Hehe, hehe, stop that tickling, Pinkie Pie!" Twilight giggled, due to Pinkie's tickling.

"Okay, I will stop just for you. But I will do it again later, ma'am." Pinkie said, shooting a wink to Twilight, making her blush and angry at the same time.

"Uh, what did I just see..? Okay now, let's just put our costumes on!" Rainbow said, raising her eyebrows to Pinkie then she looked at the costumes.

We all nodded with excitement.

Ten minutes later.....

We all waited for Rainbow to come out, we are done getting changed but she is not done, or whatever she is doing.

"This is so ridiculous..." Rainbow said, getting out of bathroom, wearing her costume, she was the last person to get changed. I'm surprised.

Wasn't she the fastest of us all?

"I don't know what you mean exactly, but you look perfect! It's fine!" I said, shaking my head.

"I'm not talking about the costume. Of course, I know it is cool and perfect on me but I meant.. We will go out and get stared by people?! No way." Rainbow said, scoffing.

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