Chapter 3: I Want To Be With You

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Applejack's POV


Rarity paused her tracks, and looked back at me, waiting for an answer because I stopped her from leaving by grabbing her wrist. She gave me a confused facial expression as I brought up my notepad and wrote on it.

I quickly passed it to Rarity, trying to not waste her time. The note said; "You are going home right? Well, can I join you?"

"You want to walk with me to home?" Rarity asked, making sure if she read and understood me rightly as I nodded.

"O-Oh, of course! Sure, grab your stuff and come!" She said, excitedly pitching her voice a little higher. That made me half relieved, and I smiled to her reaction. I gathered my things.

I'm glad that she was fine about me joining her to walk home together.

While I was getting my stuff, Rarity was saying goodbye to her friends. I did the same, and waved at some of my best friends: Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash.

Rarity stood nearby the exit waiting for me, once I approached closer to her, she said, "Ready, darling?"

I nodded, smiling as she giggled, walking by my side.


I am accompanied walking to home by Rarity together, also with a huge awkward silence between us since then. None of us has written or said a word.

"Um so.. Applejack, what is your home address?" Rarity asked, breaking the silence. I wrote and passed her a note that tells my address.

"Oh my goodness, darling!!! It's so close to me.. we live on the same street, the Crystal Walk street!! We are practically like a few minutes apart!! That means we can talk more everyday! I'll even make sure to come over tons of times!!" Rarity began to speak too fast, getting excited about the ideas rooting in her brain. She already started to devise a makeover plan for me.

I raised an eyebrow up to the fact Rarity is already making plans and speaking too fast.

Rarity sighed, saying, "I am very sorry, darling. I haven't really had company or friends for a while ever since I moved here, and I would like to go out with you..." She said, pouting.

I became flabbergasted when she said that, so I silently stared at her. 'Huh?! Go out? That sounded SO wrong like surely, that's not what she meant?'

"Oh no! That certainly came out wrong..." She said, becoming embarrassed.

"Applejack, I meant a-as friends, heh.." She said, chuckling awkwardly.

'Oh.. Careful, Rarity.'

I passed her another note that said; "It is okay, and that sounds good. :)' While reading this note, she smiled sweetly in response, and gaw, she looks so cute.

From that, I freaked out with so many overwhelmed thoughts running in my mind. What in the tarnation was I thinking?!

As my thoughts continued to run in a swirl, Rarity interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Applejack?" She sternly said. I stared at her, as an expression of "Yeah?" hearing her out. She took her time staring at my eyes as I confusedly stared back.

"Are.... you blushing?" She said, pointing out to my blushing cheek with her index finger.

I got so surprised and didn't even realize that I was blushing, so I speedily covered my face with my hat to block Rarity from seeing my blush any longer.

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