Chapter 5: Jealous As Hell

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Applejack's POV

I found myself carrying Rarity in my arms, like a bridesmaid, as she moaned in pain and restlessly moved. It hurt me to see her in such agony because of those guys who had hurt her. I felt a surge of anger, vowing to take revenge on them. I was dead serious.


Finally, we reached the nurse's office at school, where Miss Blackberry, the nurse, noticed Rarity's condition and rushed over.

"She's hurt," I said, my forehead covered in worried sweat-drops.

"It's okay. Put her down here," she responded promptly. I nodded and gently placed Rarity on a prepared bed in the office.

Miss Blackberry tried to inquire about Rarity's condition, but she was too sleepy and unable to answer. I took it upon myself to explain the situation, allowing Rarity to rest. The nurse listened attentively and accepted my explanation.

Miss Blackberry proceeded to treat Rarity's bruises and attended to her injuries.

"Applejack..." Rarity mumbled. Her body was lying on the bed, displaying large bruises and wounds all over her body. The nurse took care of her bruises, providing treatment and applying an elastic bandage to her arm. After Miss. Blackberry was done with attending that, she went to her desk.

"Rarity... Don't worry, I ain't going anywhere," I said firmly while gently squeezing her hand. She managed to smile and nodded, her expression filled with warmth. I returned the sweet smile.

Gosh, even in her pain, she's still incredibly adorable. I shook my head, trying to clear those thoughts. "What in the bloody hell am ah thinking?" I pondered. Rarity drifted off to sleep.

Leaving Rarity to rest on the bed, I approached Miss Blackwell's desk to inquire about her condition.

"So...?" I asked, seeking the obvious answer.

The nurse looked up at me, adjusting her glasses on her nose before responding.

"Miss Belle is currently stable. She will recover, but she needs to take medication for a week. I'm prescribing the medication now. With proper care, she should be fine, Miss Apple," she said, clearing her throat to emphasize the importance. I lightly gulped, feeling the weight of the responsibility.

"Here's the cafeteria pass. Let her rest for a little while, and then the two of you can go together," Miss Blackwell informed me, handing over the lunch pass.

"Thank you, ma'am," I replied gratefully.

"Make sure to take care of her. She's still in recovery and needs support," the nurse reminded me as I nodded in acknowledgment.

Miss Blackwell continued her work, applying an elastic bandage to Rarity's arm and tending to all her medical needs. I noticed that Rarity had fallen asleep.

Afterward, Miss Blackwell reported the incident to the principal, resulting in the expulsion of those responsible for hurting Rarity.

"Thank you... for helping Rarity," I expressed, a small smile forming on my lips.

Miss Blackberry informed the principal about what had happened to Rarity, leading to the immediate expulsion of the individuals responsible for hurting her. Grateful for my help, I expressed my thanks to Miss Blackberry, who acknowledged that I had protected Rarity, conveying surprise that I actually spoke. She emphasized that it was her duty as a nurse.

Rarity's POV:

Despite being in a great deal of pain, I needed some rest before going to the cafeteria. I decided to take a nap, although I'm a light sleeper and can still hear things while dozing off.

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