Tears Come First ~ chapter 4

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Well happy Sunday!!!

Here's an update hope you all enjoy!!! If you could take a sec out of your day and press the vote button that's over <------   That would mean a whole lot to me!!

I'm going to make my updated be from four days to seven so please bare with me!!

SOOO if you enjoyed it:



and Fan!!



“Where do you think you’re going?” Tyler asked angrily.

“Home, now if you’ll excuse me?”

“You’re not going anywhere” He told me shaking now.

He finally dropped his grip on me and I was able to try and escape but he again caught up with me. This time he pulled me back like he had minutes ago, but with more force. He ended up pining me to the building. Where my head collided with the concrete wall, for a second time today.

“Tyler calm down” I heard his parents exclaim as they came running over. I didn’t realize it but I was shaking. That when I saw his hands go back and I prepared myself for the worse but everything went blank and I went numbed.


 My head was throbbing, letting my eyes fluttered open I didn’t recognize the room I was in. Where was I? I looked at my arm and it had an IV sticking it. The room didn’t seem to be a hospital room. Spotting a digital clock on the nightstand beside the bed showed it was 9:15 p.m. Kevin was bound to kill me.

Pulling the IV from my arm I pushed myself off the bed. I kept a hand on the bed to support me, I was very dizzy for some reason. After a minute of making sure I was able to walk I took my hand of the bed.

 I proceeded to the door as fast as I could without tumbling forward. When I got to the door I turned the door knob and opened it quickly, but when I walked through the door I ran into something hard.

Catching me off guard I backed up to look at the thing I ran into. Looking up to see Tyler standing in the door way caused my mouth dropped. As I backed up he moved forwards almost mimicking my moves.

Wait am I in his house oh no, I don’t even know this guy and I’m at his house god knows what was in the IV or even what he has or will do to me.

“Please let me go.” I begged as I moved backwards. Without noticing there was a chair behind me I tripped over it and falling on the floor, causing Tyler to run over to me.

“Emma, are you okay?” He questioned me.

“I’m fine but please let me leave, I must go home.” I told him with tears falling down my face.

I felt Tyler move beside me, turning my eyes towards him I saw him bending down to the floor. Then he placed his hands around my waist pulling me into his chest. “SHH you’re fine, and look I’m sorry about earlier I didn’t mean to frighten you that will never happen again” He explained to me as he wiped away the tears.

“I understand but I must get home, Kevin will be worried.” I believe worried was wrong to say more like pissed but I couldn’t tell Tyler that could I?

“Don’t worries my mother called Kevin and explained to him what have happen, and he said he is glad your okay and wants you home first thing tomorrow.”

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