Chapter 24: Forever Alone, Damon's POV

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Of course I lost that fight. When am I ever happy?

When Luna came back into the apartment she was happy, I wasn't. I had to push her away, maybe I would even leave.

Should I tell her my feelings? Would it make a difference?

I decided to just push her away, so it could hurt less when I left.

"Oh looks it's you. I thought you forgot about me.", I said hoping she would buy my cruelty.

"Sorry Damon, I thought you killed him cause you are a hundred years older than him. Apparently you didn't.", she said and smirked trying to be funny.

Guess the dog told her what happened, hopefully not all of it. Doesn't seem like he told her my feelings.

"Shut it! I thought you would've actually cared about me like how I care about you?! Where do you go first?! To your little dog, not your best friend. You know what?! I'm tired of caring for you!", I said trying out my tactic to push her away.

I used my speed to run out of the room for some air. I ended up in the parking lot and started thinking.

"Well well, looks Luna hangs out with more than just witches and werewolves.", said a male voice.

I turned around to be confronted with a man who looked like he was in his late twenties or early thirties.

"Who are you and how do you know Luna?", I asked getting angry that this man would mention her.

By the smell he was a werewolf.

"I'm Peter Hale, Derek's uncle. You must be the vampire he said he fought. Interesting, I've always been curious who would win in a fight between a vampire and a werewolf. Looks like werewolves are stronger.", he said with a mischievous grin.

I showed my teeth and got into a fighting position.

"He got lucky, lets go you and me and see who would win then filthy mutt."

"No thanks, I'd prefer not."

"Then why are you here? To torment me?"

"No, I have a proposition for you."

"What?", I asked curious.

What would a werewolf have to offer me?

"You help us find the alpha pack, and I'll make sure my nephew stays away from Luna. She'll be all yours."

Luna? Mine? I don't have to compete anymore?

"Do we have a deal?", he asked.

"Deal.", I said and shook his hand.

I left the parking lot and went back to the apartment.

"What were you doing talking to Peter?", Luna asked.

I decided to stop the cruel act and be normal again.

"I told him I'd help him and your boyfriend find the alpha pack."

"Why? What's the catch?"

"Why does there need to be a catch?", I asked.

"Well you wouldn't willingly help Derek, especially after the fight."

"Call it a change of heart.", I told her with a smile.

She gave me the look, the one that said she knew something more was up.

"Okay, but if you're helping so am I.", she said determined.

"No, no, no, no, no! Did I mention no?!"

"Why not?! If you are then so am I! We're inseparable, like Sherlock and Watson. You have to, please.", she said giving me her best puppy dog face.

How could I resist. She's the only person that could do this to me.

"Fine.", I said giving in.


"But you have to get trained first."

"I don't need to, I'm a witch.", she said and winked.

Man, I'm going to get the girl.

Just the thought made me happy and lucky to be alive.

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