If You Ever Come Back (41)

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It's been eight weeks since we brought Colleen home. Even though she was very premature, surprisingly, she was healthy enough to be brought home. Glen and I cooed over her as she was perched on his knee, waving the teddy bear she got the day she was born. "Hey little chick, I think it's time to go for a nap", I said to her. Glen kissed her head before I scooped her up and rested her down in her crib placed in me and Glen's room. I turned her soft music on and shut the door behind me, then sitting beside Glen. "Lu, I think we should set the date for our wedding", Glen said to me. Realisation hit me, and I remembered how we planned out everything, but shit hit the fan before we got to set everything in stone. It would be soon, I know, I couldn't wait any longer to get married. "How about July 21st?", I suggested. He smiled and pulled me under his arm. "Perfect". It was already June 21st so, the big day would come before our eyes. "Sorry to be a buzzkill, but what are you going to do with your brother?". I sighed sadly. "I don't have a choice but to invite him". "I'm pretty upset that my dad won't be there to escort me down the asile". We had a moment of silence, and I started to feel tears prickle down my face. "Awh, baby, i'm sorry", he comforted me. "I'll ask Danny, I guess", I puffed. Glen lifted my chin and kissed me. That was his way of telling me that everything will be okay. I gave him a smile and went to the kitchen to prepare some formula for Colleen as her bottle later on. I looked at the measuring cup to measure the formula, but I couldn't quite make out the numbers, even though they were big, and bold. "Hey G, can you come and measure this powder out for me? I can't see the numbers properly". He came over to me and did the job, but gave me a puzzled look. "Either you couldn't be arsed to do it, or you need glasses. Maybe he's right, I do need glasses. The baby monitor was going mental. "I'll get her", Glen said going to the room. All of a sudden, Glen appeared with a sobbing baby in his arms. "Shhh, shhh, Daddy's here Colly, daddy has you". My heart melted as G soothed her. I heard little giggles from the den and in through the kitchen, where Colleen had a big cheesy grin spread across her rosy face. "Can I feed her? You always do it", Glen pleaded. I nodded. "Hey guys!", Danny and Mark said, walking through the front door. "Hiya", I replied. "Awww, a little daddy and daughter moment", Dan cooed. "She's precious!", Mark exclaimed. "Daniel, help me out and print these save the date cards for the wedding", I said squinting at the computer. I rubbed my temples, trying to sooth a screaming headache I had, but I went to the bathroom snd ran a hot bubble bath. I eased my body into the inviting bubbles and shut my tired eyes. A knock on the door. "Hey lovely, mind if I join you?", Glen asked me as he poked his head through the door. "Come on then". He let me shift so that he was my pillow. Glen's arms snaked around my waist and rested his hands on my still banged up belly. "Where's Colly?". "Dan and Mark are minding her". I sighed with comfort as he stroked my face and pushed my hair behind my ears. "Have you been okay lately? You're coming across as stressed and frazzled". "It's nothing". "No, babe, let me in. I want to know so tell me". "Fine. You're exactly right. I've had this annoying as fuck headache for a while now too. Painkillers aren't working", I explained. "You know, you might just be overtired from the late nights with the baby and all. If there's no improvement by tomorrow, then will get you checked out", Glen said to me as if I were a little kid. He kissed my forehead and held me closer to him, creating little waves in the water. "Fuck, Mark! Get a tea cloth or something! Shit! Gross! You take her, man!", I head Danny freak out. "No, no way. It'll get on me! LU! Help!", Mark called out. I sighed, not wanting to get out of the comfort of Glen and the bath, and stuck some pajamas on, heading out to the den. I heard G chuckle as I left him alone in the bathtub. "Are you serious right now? You're acting like a bunch of pussies. Take the diper off from underneath her, fold it up and toss it", I said. They could sense that I was in a pissy mood and did what they were told. "Sorry", they both mumbled. I dressed Colleen in her pajamas and brought her to our bedroom for bedtime cuddles. "Hey, Pumpkin", Glen said as I layed her in between us. "How you feeling?", my amazing husband-to-be asked me. "Fine", I lied. I picked up one of Colly's favorite books and started reading a rhyme from it. "Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pale of-". I dropped the book on the bed, ran to the bathroom, and got violently sick in the toilet. I slumped against the side the bath tub, wiping the droplets of sweat off my forehead. "Danny, take the baby", Glen told Dan, and he rushed into the bathroom. Another wave of sick came over me as I shoved my head down the toilet again. "Baby, you're burning up. We need to go to the hospital". "No, I'm fine Glen. I swear!", I tried to convince him but it didn't work. He picked me up and carried me to the car, without saying a word to Danny and Mark.

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