If You Ever Come Back (23) Glen's POV

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I honestly adore Lu. I mean, she's the full package! She has a wonderful personality, that I care about more than anything, she is bloody gorgeous, and she has the body of a model! When a woke up, she was still lightly snoring on me. I moved her a little so her head was nuzzled under my chin, and she was completely covered by the blanket. I took a lock of her lovely curls and played with it while I watched her rest. Danny was sitting on the arm chair next to me, checking some tweets. "Hey Dan, can you hand me the thermometer please?", I whispered. Without taking his eyes off the screen he handed me it. I gently took her arm and lifted it up to put the thermometer under it. The numbers went straight up. "Beep beep beep!", it alarmed. "What is it?", Dan asked. "99.9". "Just a slight one", I said, feeling relieved. "You know", Dan whispered, "All the fans that Mark and I signed today asked about who Lu was since the press got a picture of you with your arm around her waist". "Well shit", I said. "I just said that you guys were dating". I nodded. "Do you hear her snoring? God, she's wrecked!", Dan said. I chuckled. "She sure is". "What did you two to get up to while we were out and about?", Danny asked. "Nothing much, just layed down and talked". "Cool", he said. I looked back down at Lu, and she had just opened her eyes. "Hey sleepy!", I said to her softly. "How are you feeling?", I asked. "To be honest, I feel like crap", she replied, a little hoarse. "Hey Lu, G, Mark and I are going to pop down to the shops, would you like anything?", Dan asked her. "I'd like for you all to quit your worrying and have a good time". I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry,my love, we'll go out for a pint to make you feel better", I said. "Thank you. Have one for as well", she giggled. She lifted her head off my chest to let me get up. While I waited for the other two to get set, I carassed her cheek and kissed her forehead softly. "I love you", she whispered. "I love you more". "See you soon, sweetheart", I said getting up. "Have fun", she said, weakly smiling. And so we were off. "How about we really do have fun?", Dan asked. "I only said that for her to be happy. Let's just go to the shops and back?", I said worried sick about Lu. "Glen, Lulu will be fine. I bet you she'll be asleep when we get back!", Mark assured me. "You're right". We made a quick stop to the shops to buy some tablets for Dan, then walked quickly to the nearest pub. "Three pints of Guiness please", Dan ordered. I was careful not to get drunk. But there were many rounds of drinks to be had. I got a tap on the shoulder behind me. "You're Glen Power right?", this lady asked me, seeming a tad tipsy. "I sure am! How can I-". She inturrupted me by pulling in for a kiss full of action. I'm not going to lie, it wasn't bad. I was pretty sloshed as well. Ah what the fuck. "Another pint?", the bartender asked. "Another two", the lady said. "I'm Lana by the way", she giggled. Lana. Luana. Lana. Oh boy. "Woah G, remember you have Lu", Dan said to me. The lady pulled me away to the back of the pub and locked the two of us in the storage closet. She violently made out with me, and being the drunk guy, I went along with it. She felt me down and left her hand massaging my crotch area. I felt her down in return of the pleasure she was giving me. I groaned. she kneeled down and unzipped the fly of my shorts and... I guess you know what happens next. We went all out for about 20 minutes until we emerged from the closet, breathing heavily, Lana licking her lips. I grabbed her hand and ran out of the pub, taking her home for more, completely forgetting Lu was there. We ran down, and when we got to the house, I started kissing her like she did to me, and Lu turned around from her film and gave the most shocked expression on her face that i've ever seen. "Stop", I told Lana. Lu turned completely white.

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