If You Ever Come Back (22)

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Mark dialed his wife, Rina's number on his cellphone whilst tapping his fingers on the kitchen table. "How about you go lay down on the sofa, Lu?", Dan suggested, "You really should be starting to gain your energy back and also rest because you're not feeling the best". "Dan, you're like the woman of the group. You remind me of a mother-like figure", I told him. I realized what I said and regretted it. Thoughts of my mam came back to mind. "Very funny. Come on now", he said. Danny helped me over to the plush sofa and I curled up in a blanket. "Any luck with Rina, Mark?", Glen asked. "Nada. She must be out with the little ones". Glen sat his mug of tea down on the coffee table and layed next to me and held me. He whispered nice things in my ear. "I love you more than life itself, Lu. You're my everythjng". The words danced about in my head, making me feel nice on the inside. I rested my eyes. Glen looked at me and kissed me on my warm forehead and quietly got up to go to the kitchen. "I've never seen anyone sleep so much", I heard G say. "Yeah, poor thing isn't well at all. She wants to ignore it and convince hereself that she's fine", Dan said. "Let's watch over her and see how she does", G said. "She was pretty happy and flirty this morning". "I could see that!", Dan replied. "She really loves you", Mark added. "She's over the moon that she's with you". I opened my eye a little to see Glen smile. "Honestly, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me", Glen said, dreamily. "Ohhhh, young love", Dan said. "I'm 22, and Lu is turning 20 soon. You think that's young?". "Absolutely! Consider it a complement. Old love isn't what you want to call it", Danny laughed. I blankly stared at Glen's gorgeous face from across the room, thinking about how lucky I was to have him. I propped myself up on the sofa, not feeling sleepy. "What are you looking at, gorgeous girl?", Glen asked me, catching my eye. "Just you", I said. I attempted to stand up to go over to him. I wobbled over and he pulled me onto his lap. He pressed the back of his hand against my forehead, imitating Danny earlier on. "You're really burning up, chick", he said sounding concerend. I took my bag off the table and found some fever reducer that I carried around handy. I swallowed the pills. "This will bring it right down for sure", I said. "Please God it will", G said. "Dan and I are going out to town for a signing", Mark announced. "Go on, Glen. Have fun! I'll be fine here!", I assured him. "Nope. No way I'm leaving you here alone", Glen refused. Dan gave G a wink. "See you lads later then", they said, walking out the door. "Why didn't you go, babe? Don't be worrying about me!", I exclaimed. "I just want to spend some alone time with my love. It's not easy to get a little privacy in this house", he said. I giggled. He picked me up and brought me to the sofa again. He cradeled me in his arms, gazing into my eyes. We kissed for a while. I manouvered myself so I was on top of him. He had his hands placed on my hips as I had mine running through his beautiful soft hair. "I love you more than life itself", I said to him. "I love you more". We went from sitting to laying down. Soon our makeout session was over and we were both passed out on the sofa. I was laying on his chest, resting my hands on him. He had a firm grasp around me so I wouldn't move. I heard Danny and Mark come in a few hours later, and Dan threw a blanket over us and let us sleep. "Take a picture!", Mark said. I heard the sound of the camrea. "Perfect", Mark said.

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