If You Ever Come Back (25)

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I was woken up by a few knocks on the door. I peered out my bedroom window to see who it was, and Danny was patiently waiting for me. "Who comes over at 8:00 in the fecking morning?". I felt my way downstairs and opened the door. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "Daniel", I said, completely displeased with him. "Luana, Glen got jarred last night. The whole Lana ordeal was an accident", he explained. "My God, Danny! When I said for you to have fun, I didn't mean for you to get sloshed and have sex with women!". "It's more than just an accident!", I continued to rant, "He cheated on me. Does he grasp that concept? I can't fucking believe he would do that! This shit about him loving me was all a big fat lie". "Lu, it wasn't entierly his fault! Yes, he should have stood up for himself and said no to the sex, however Lana started this". I was getting impatient. "I don't care who's fault it was, I just want nothing to do with him". As I said that, A car pulled up to the driveway and Glen got out. "For fucks sake!", I said. He walked up to the porch and looked me straight in the eyes and grabbed my wrists. "Luana, what I did was so fucked up and so wrong and I didn't even intentionally to that", he explained. "She pulled me in and I couldn't stop her". "You could have called for help! You went along with it! You brought her home for Christ sake!", I sobbed. "I know, I was drunk and had no idea what I was doing". "Please Lu, you can't live here. You can't be alone", Glen pleaded. "I'm not even going to give you a choice. You're coming back", Dan said, walking through the house and returning with my bags. Glen walked me back to the car and sat me down. He kept looking at me and trying to get close to me. I did the opposite. "Glen, please realize that i'm fucking pissed at you and i'm not in the mood to do cuddle and shit. So stop", I said in an annoyed tone. "I honestly don't even want to be your girlfriend anymore. You just ruined everything", I cried. I looked up at him, and he looked distraught. He had tears filling his eyes, but he was trying to look tough. "Luana, I love you more than i've ever loved anyone else". "Then fucking show me. Do you expect me to believe you if you had sex with another woman and brought her home?", I said. We arrived back at the house and I got out as quickly as possible, grabbed my bag, and stormed out to their back garden and just cried. "Hey Lulu", Mark said, opening the sliding door. He sat down and put his arm around me. "We can work this out, okay? Do you still want to be with Glen?", he asked me. "I don't know anymore", I sighed. I leaned into Mark. "This is going to be hard", I whispered. "I love you Lulu. We all do", he assured me. "It'll all work out in the end". It started to downpour on us. "Ah shit!", I said as Mark helped me in. Glen was on the sofa, and it looked like he was thinking. I went into his room and just sat on my side of the bed for a while. "I just can't believe him! How could he do this? Did he forget that he had a girlfriend? What the fuck?", I mumbled to myself. I heard whispers. "Should I go and talk to her?", I heard G say. "Whatever feels right to you", either Mark or Dan said. "Going in", he said. I braced myself. I looked down at the bed and didn't even glance at Glen when he came in. He sat next to me. "Look at me", he said. "I cannot even put into words how much I love you". "I fucked up, I know, and I wil never ever forgive myself. If you love me, tell me now. If you don't, just leave", he said forcefully. I thought really hard. I stared into his eyes. "I love you!", I cried and leaned into his arms. He puffed out a sigh of relief and he kissed me softly. We layed down and continuosly kissed, not even taking a breath. Dan knocked on the door, but we ignored him. The door creeked open. "Yep, I'm interupting something alright!", Dan exclaimed. I giggled. We spent the rest of the night in bed cuddling and kissing and happy being together again!

(i'm going away on holiday for 6 days in a few hours, i dont know if i'll have internet access or not. so in a while this will be updated! hope you enjoy! xx)

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