If You Ever Come Back (7)

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"Do you have a connection with your father?". My heart dropped. I look down to the floor and silently wept. Glen looked at the officer with a very concerned look planted on his face. I finally looked back up. "He's passed away". Glen's jaw dropped. "I am very, very sorry for your loss", the officer said. "Thank you", i sqeaked out. "We offer counceling if you need the extra help", the officer said. "For now", the officer said , go to Mr.Power's house and get some rest". I nodded. Glen and I stood up simotaniously and walked out the door. The officer drove us to G's house and took my bag out. We opened the door to his house and found Danny and Mark watching a flim. Dan looked over to us, "Hey Lu- what the hell". Mark looked over at us and he gave me a wide eyed stare. Glen sat me down and cuddled me in his arms again. "I'll explain in a minute, Dan. Can you please get a warm rag and some Asprin?". Dan hopped off the sofa and immedietly brought the items to G. He dabbed my face with the warm tea cloth, wiping the blood away. "Lift your head, baby". I yelped. "Does that hurt, to move your neck?". "Yes", I whispered. It was very difficult to talk with busted and bleeding lips. My eyes swelled shut. "Okay, Mark, come here and hold the bridge of her nose to stop the blood flow and keep dabbing underneath her nostrils just to keep tidy". "Danny, get the Peroxide from the press to clean the wound on her arm". Pretty soon, my bloody nose had stopped bleeding, and my lip was fairly cleaned up. "We'll get you the stitches tomorrow, sweetie, okay?". "Okay", I said. I went into the bathroom to change into my pajamas and then came back to sit on the sofa by G. Glen put a blanket over me and set my head on his chest and kissed my forehead. The lads had a cup of tea as a night cap before bed and watched the rest of the film. "Let's go to bed?", G asked. I nodded and we stood up. "Goodnight lads", I said. "Goodnight Lu, feel better soon", they said in return. 

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