If You Ever Come Back (19)

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I my eyes found their way to Glen, who looked terribly worried. "Hey Lu, can you hear me?", he said, squeezing my hand. I groaned, trying to sit upright but slipped right back on my back. "Keep laying down, don't move", Dan instructed. "Glen?",  I weakily said. "Yes, darling?". "What happened last night?", I whispered. Danny and Glen exchanged looks, comtemplating wether they should tell me what happened, incase they upsetted me again. "You had an accident", Glen replied, not too sure of his answer. I tossed the pure white bedsheets off with my feet and looked at my legs. Scarred, and hurting like hell. "I remember now", I said. "Why did you do this to yourself", Dan asked me, clearly upset. "If you were feeling that poorly, you could've come to us and talked to us instead of taking it all out on yourself!", he continued. "I needed to feel relif, and I wouldn't have gotten it, had I gone to you for support", I replied. "Lu, I love you so incredibly much and seeing the state you were in shattered my heart, and I'm so sorry for yelling at you", Glen went on, apologizing to me. "I'm used to it, Glen. My mother used to yell at me for always having blood on me". "Erm, I'm going to head back to the house to check on Mark. I left my phone at home.. Take care Lu, see you soon", Dan said, kissing me on the forehead. He walked out of the room. "How are you feeling", G asked. "Depressed", I replied, staring off at the cieling. All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. "May I come in?", the doctor asked. "Yeah", G responded. She came in and sat in her swirly professional chair. "I'm doctor Caterine", she said with a comforting grin. "Well, we've looked at your files, your history, and what you've done, and you do have chronic depression and anxiety", she said with a straight face. Tears trickeled down my cheeks. I lifted my arms and guided my fingers down every single mark that I made on myself. "What can we do to help?", Glen asked Dr. Caterine. I drifted off into sleep again. "Be there for her as much as you possibly can, don't take your eyes off her, just incase she's up to something, and signing her up for therapy would be most benifical to her".  "We phoned in a perscription for her too, that somebody already picked up", she explained. "Got it", Glen said. One of the other nurses came in with a wheelchair to put me in so we could get out of there. "We're going home now, sweetheart". I woke up and was helped into the wheelchair by G and the other nurse and I was wheeled out to be discharged. 

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