If You Ever Come Back (16)

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My eyes zipped around the room in absolute shock. So many familiar faces. "Hi everyone", I said to the crowd. "How's everybody doing tonight?". The crowd hollered and whisteled. "First of all, I just wanted to thank-". I got cut off. "Are you Glen Power's girlfriend", a person from the press interuppted. "I am", I replied. "I just wanted to thank my amazing boyfriend, Glen and Danny and Mark for choosing me for this. This is Glowing". The crowd's applause excited me and made me nervous at the same time. I started to strum out the song. It came and went. Applause after applause. Before I knew it, my last song, Good Ol' Days was over and I bowed and pranced off stage. Glen, Dan, and Mark were already backstage to greet me. "Whoo hoo! You were bloody brilliant, Lu!", Danny exclaimed, giving me a giant hug. "Best show ever!", Mark said, hugging me as well. Glen picked me up and twirled me around as he snogged me. "That was incredibly phenomenal, baby", Glen said, seeming very excited. "Thanks lads", I said, dabbing away a few shedded tears. "Thank you for choosing me, for discovering me, taking me into your house, Glen, giving all your love", I thanked them. "This is my dream actually coming true, it's unreal!", I said. "Awww, you're very welcome, we're so blessed to have you in our lives", Glen said. The lads agreed. Glen took me aside, away from all the backstage commotion. I dreamily looked up at him. "Ehm, Lu, I don't want to rain on your parade, but your brother rang my cell. Apparently he got my number from officer Dailey". My dreamy smile turned into a slight frown. "What did he want?", I nervously asked. "You", Glen said. I shivered at the thoughts of talking to my brother who had abandoned me and left me with my horrible abusive mother for many years. I walked to the door leading outside.

If You Ever Come Back (1)Where stories live. Discover now