If You Ever Come Back (35)

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I opened my eyes. The covers were a mess, we were both undressed, and I remembered what happened. "Hey sweetheart", he whispered as he moved the hair out of my face. I kissed him. "Please tell me you remember what happened last night?", I asked worridly. "Why yes, I asked you to marry me, and we had some pretty good sex!", he laughed. "Did we.. did we use a condom?". Glen's eyes widened and he sat upright. "I..I..I don't think we did", he stuttered. I darted out of bed and stuck on pajamas that I could go out in. "I need to get a box of tests!", I cried. Glen grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. I cringed. "When is your next period supposed to be", he asked me. "Tomorrow. I'll see if I miss it", I told him. "We'll be fine", he said as he kissed me. "Yep". "Let's say if you were pregnant...", he began. I rolled my eyes. "Nope, I won't be, so lets not say it!", I told him. Dan creeked the door open. "Did I hear the word pregnant?", he said with a shocked expression. Glen and I waved him over to sit with us. "God, I knew I heard the Olympic Games going on last night!", he exclamied. I broke my heart laughing. He pressed the palm of his hand against my tummy. "So, there's a wee person in there?". I shrugged. "Will you keep it?", Dan asked. No-YES!", Glen talked over me. I glanced at him, and then at Danny. "We can talk about that later", I said, sounding stern. "Names?", Dan asked, with his hand on my belly still. "If it's a girl, I really like Ellie or Jacklyn . If it's a boy, I'd say either Jack or Patrick". "I love Jacklyn", Glen and Dan said. "If it's real, I hope it's a girl", I said. "Tell Mark and Rose?", Dan said. "Mark, sure, Let's make sure it's for real before we tell her", I said. "Ah lads I'm so happy for yous", Dan hugged me. "I'll leave you guys to talk", he said, shutting the door behind him. I kissed Glen. "I don't feel ready for a child, G". "I'm hardly twenty and it just seems so soon", I exclamied. "Do you think we're rushing too much? We just got engaged and possibly pregnant", he pointed out. "I know, I know", I bit my lip. I snuggled into G and mapped his face out line by line.

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