If You Ever Come Back (14)

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When we parked in the driveway and I was just about to get out of the car, Glen stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "Sit", he said. "If your brother wants to connect with you again, why are you rejecting him?". "Look, Glen, I love you so much, but I am in control of my own decisions, my life. Leave it to me for what I'm going to do with him. Okay? Thanks", I said and walked out of the car and into the house. "Hey Lulu", Mark greeted me. "Howdy". "Where's Glenny?", he asked with a cup of tea in his hand. "In the car still". "Ah,  I see".  I picked up my guitar case leaning against the bangsters and carefully slid the guitar out. "Hey Mark, do you mind signing this baby for me please?". "Not at all", he said with a big ginger grin. "Thanks so much!", I said when he signed it. I sat down on the armchair and started strumming out For The First Time. "Oh these times are hard, yeah their making us crazy, dont give up on me baby".. "Sing the whole song?", Mark said. So I did. About half way through the song, Glen walked in and started a drum beat. Danny walked in and clapped for us when we finished. "Oh God, we better start getting ready for the party! Two hours till we leave!",  I said. I ran into Glen's room, put some my tights on to cover my hidious marks, a turqoise dress with a white bow around it, and white pumps. G walked in right as I was applying scar coverup just incase. "What's that?". "Cream". I put it away and started to create curls in my hair with the curling iron I packed. "Stop beautifying yourself, darling. You don't need it". "Yes I do, Glen". I applied eyeliner and concealer to make my eyes look less purple, and stuck a bit of lipstick on. "Tadaaa!", I said when i walked into the living room. "Gorgeous!". Danny said, all dresed up. "Jesus, it looks like nothing ever happened to you almost!", exclaimed Mark. "Oh the power of makeup", I said dreamily. Suddenly, Glen walked out in the most adorable tux of man kind. His hair was slicked back and he showed off his perfect teeth. "Aww! You look so handsome G". I flirtatiously walked over to him and put my hands on his chest. I went on my tip toes to kiss him. "I love you, gorgeous", he whispered.

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