Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

–– Two Months Later ––

I braved myself as I stepped into the school grounds. The place was alive and buzzing with a warmth and happiness that spread to even myself. It was the very opposite of how I had been feeling two months ago. I was pretty messed up when I left. I couldn’t even step foot into a Thorn store without a rush of emotions filling me. The familiarity of the place opened up old wounds, bringing back the hurt and pain and memories, happy and bad. I placed my hand over the pendant that I had worn since that day. I’ve never taken it off. Not that I didn’t want to but every time I reached for the clasp, I couldn’t bring myself to remove my last physical memory of him.

I pushed my sunglasses further up the bridge of my nose and tighten my hold on my straw hat as a light breeze made its way around. I almost jumped as I heard a cheery voice beside me. I glanced at the brunette that was holding out a brochure to me.

“Welcome To Genesis High!” She chimed cheerfully. I smiled and took the brochure from her hands.

“Thank you.” I replied with as much enthusiasm I could gather.

“No problem! I hope you enjoy your time here.” She called out as she retreated towards another visitor. I glanced down at the brochure and my breath caught at the sight of the photo there. It was one of Kyler and the committee posed in the quad, smiling and happy. But you never know with him.

I slipped the brochure into my handbag before making my way into the grounds. It was everything I had imagined it to be and I was glad that they could bring my ideal out into reality. I only wanted to see him today. Just a glance could satisfy the urge. I really missed him.

I was finally piecing my life together, moving forward instead of being stuck. I closed my eyes and followed my instincts and I gasped softly to myself. I moved a little bit closer to the edge of the crowd and tightened my grip on the empty chair in front of me. His back was facing towards me and he looked as if he was briefing Chris on what he was about to do. He was really suited to being on a stage; I could see how comfortable he was up there. I’m glad Chris took on board the role I gave him. My gaze shifted back to Kyler. He looked fantastic in his loose white button up shirt, tie and jeans. The same as he always did. As he turned around to face the crowd, I hurriedly let go of the chair, turned and headed away.

I passed a few stalls and got convinced to compete in a few games. I’m not sure how but it’s very hard to say no to them. I won myself a huge bear that I could hardly hold. I flushed slightly as I heard the laughter from the stall. I smiled back and walked further into the grounds only to bump into a guy. He steadied me before studying me carefully. I gasped sharply as I realised who it was. Chris.

Serenity?” He trailed off in disbelieving tone.

“Chris.” I sighed and removed my sunglasses.

He eyed me in disbelief before shaking his head. “Oh Jesus.”

“What?” I asked, frowning.

“Nothing, don’t worry.” He shook his head again.

“You know, congratulations on doing such an excellent job as the President of the committee.” I spoke softly.

“Yeah thanks. You know,” he started in a mocking tone. “You’re ex fiancé really helped.”

I closed my eyes at his words and forced a slight smile. “Kyler’s amazing isn’t he? You two didn’t exactly leave good impressions on either when you first met.” I laughed at the memory.

“You promised to be there. You weren’t.” He spoke accusingly.

“I wasn’t. But I left you in good hands.” I replied. “Two months ago,” I shook my head. “I don’t know. I was falling apart. It had nothing to do with him.”

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