Chapter 22: A Second Day Away

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The air surrounding Crocus was amazing people were all excited for the next day of the GMG. People were up bright and early just to get some good seats. The latest day already held tension which was not leaving any time soon. This year's games were certainly one to watch.

Juvia groaned in her sleep as she started to regain consciousness. She was still too tired to move and kept her eyes closed. She felt her hands rub over something hard but soft at the same time. She cuddled into the form not making anything of it.

Before she could fall back asleep she heard what sounded like an angry Aqua screaming for something, a mimosa most likely. Juvia slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and rubbed her eyes yawning, then was yanked back down and smothered. She adjusted to the light and saw something that shocked her.

Sting Ravey Eucliff Cheney was sleeping in her room cuddling her into his chest in hopefully at least his boxers . She then wondered how he even got there and remembered how she was dragged up to her room by the dragon slayer. They watched a movie and were joined by Rogue and Levy after a bit. She remembered Rogue and Levy leaving but Sting must have snuck back in when she was already wiped out.

Juvia sighed and violently pushed Sting from her making fall to the ground with a loud noise. After a couple of seconds he groaned indicating that the fall awoke him. Juvia placed herself at the side of the bed looking down at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Damn Juv' , what a great way to say good morning " Sting said sarcastically with low husky morning voice and rolled over sighing.

"Why were you in Juvia's bed?" Juvia asked squinting at him as he sat bed and rubbed his bed head until his usual spikes came back into formation.

"Lector fell asleep with that Autumn chick, and I just wandered in here," he shrugged his shoulders in a tired manor " Guess I fell asleep "

"Juvia should be mad at Sting but  she doesn't have the energy," Juvia glared at him then her eyes turned soft and she sighed. She got off her bed and went straight for the window to open the curtains.

Light poured into the room as Juvia opened the windows showing her a view of an early morning Crocus filled with opening shops, bright skies and a warm air. She smiled slightly at the the sight then turned back around.

"Nice view huh?"

She bumped into Sting as she turned around and almost fell out the window but luckily she caught herself on the windowsill."Juvia supposes so"

Sting grinned at her like a kid and left her space to walk forward. Juvia thanked him silently as she got her clothed for the day. She turned around before heading into her bathroom "Please be gone before Juvia is out" she gave him a look intent to hurt him if disobeyed.

He nodded quickly as she headed into the bathroom. He looked at the door one more time and left to get ready himself. He didn't want an angry Juvia on his back for the rest of the day.

Juvia was out the shower in no time. To her happiness --and slight disappointment-- , she found that Sting was gone just as promised.  She looked at herself in the mirror  and made sure she was nice and clean.

Her hair was just as loose as usual. Her tattoo on full display which gave her a deep sense of nostalgia for when she got it. She was dressed  in a white  tight long sleeved shirt
with her usual long dark blue skirt with slits. Her shirt was just short enough to show off her guildmark.

Juvia smiled at herself one more time in the mirror and headed out her room to find her sisters.

Levy and Persophone sat down in on of the hotel's  living rooms awaiting there comrades patiently. Levy had her nose in a book and wasn't thinking about a single thing out of her little bubble.

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