Chapter 25: Assumptions

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Hinata's POV

I looked up to the sky as my eyes became tired of crying. It's a little darker now than it was before. I think i've been crying way too long.


the only word that came out of my mouth as I returned my gaze on the ground.

The truth is I don't really expect that he'd accept my feelings nor even give it a second thought.

But why am I feeling so down, although I knew what's the outcome.

Its not like I'm not used to being ignore by the one I love anyway. But this feel so different. There's something more in him that magnetize me.

I'm in love with the rogue ninja who caused me all this suffering, the ninja who made me feel pain.

Is this a sin?

Yes, he's a rogue ninja but he saved me way many times before. And I doubt that any other rogue one will do that.

Well it sure is getting dark now I should head back. I stand up but my feet are too numb to move right now. I must've been sitting for too long. I dragged my feet and made my way to the cave.

I reached the entrance and saw the glow of the dimly lit fire inside.

He probably made it.

I hesitate to enter, of course. For I, myself know that things will not be the same anymore.

Should I enter?

Should I?

Well, seeing him is unavoidable so avoiding him is impossible. I don't know what'll happen between us now. He's so unpredictable after all. The events from earlier flashed back at my thoughts as I think of him. That face when he heared me, it didn't even falter nor shown any kind of surprise. Although, i'm not sure if he already know that.

I wonder how much pain he had gone through to make him this heartless. Does his pain different from others that made him what he is now? I felt pain, all of us did back in the village and even the people in other country but why is he the only one who changed?

Well, I'm relieve now that he's aware of what I truly feel for him. I'm glad that I confessed to him. I can never do that before and it just proves that I'm gradually overcoming my fears.

I finally had the urge to enter. When I reached inside, I look around and saw sasuke sitting at the hard ground while leaning his back against the wall.

His eyes are close with his calm posture.
The sight is so mesmerizing that it made me stood there, admiring him.

I sat down across him and was about to close my eyes too when I heard him called,


I quickly diverted my gaze at Sasuke and saw his eyes opened. Not having the urge to say anything I failed to mutter a word,

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