chapter 4: My Mission

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Days have passed and hinata is still coping with the surroundings around her. Although jugo and suigetsu became her friends, she still feel that she really doesn't belong where she is now.
Not to mention that she rarely speak to anybody, except the two.

Karin, the red-headed girl, wouldn't help either. She despise hinata, making the hyuga more uncomfortable at the said place.

By doing nothing, Hinata can't help but to think about the safety of the people she left. She's worried about her family especially when she left Neji with wounds and cuts.
It bothers her every now and then.


Having one idea on her mind, Hinata is on her way to sasuke's room. She knocked but no one answered so she slowly opened the door. She roamed her eyes around and she found no Uchiha there.

Hinata saw his clothes, weapons and most of all a picture of his brother and him when he was still a kid. She stared at the picture and smiled as she remembered when she saw naruto's picture in his apartment. He was pouting like an adorable kid could be.

She then saw itachi in sasuke's picture, she felt pity towards them. She heard the whole story about Itachi Uchiha, a hero mistaken for a villain.

' It was a hard decision to make but despite of that he chose to kill them .. ' the Hyuga thought.

She looked so solemn at the sudden thought when a cold voice startled her.

"Why are you here?" The raven- haired man asked.

She flinched and turned around only to find sasuke leaning against the wall of his room. His eyes were looking directly at hers with its usual intimidating aura.

"I-i was just about to leave when I saw you're not here. I-i'm sorry" she said apologetically, not sure how the Uchiha will react. She was about to leave but a voice prevented her.

"You wouldn't go here without a reason.What do you want?" He asked nonchalantly.

"I-i .. uh " the hyuga started to speak but she can't find the rights word to

"i-i ..  I want to know what h-happened to  ... n-neji? " She said as she paused before the last word.

"I dont know." he replied coldly.

"I-i see."  she just replied not wanting to continue the conversation anymore. She was walking headed to her room when she saw jugi and suigetsu.

Jugo and suigetsu noticed the hyuga's melancholic aura and they can't help but to ask what happened. Hinata thought that they might know what happened to them.

"Ah! the guy with the byakugan too?" Hinata' eyes slightly glowed as she heard some hope in suigetsu's reply.

"I don't know maybe karin killed hin. Just ask the red and hot headed girl"suigetsu said teasing the hyuga. Jugo hit suigetsu playfully. the hope in her eyes gradually fading.

"Stop it you're just scaring her." Jugo said helping the hyuga.

"He's a strong one Hinata. But I can't guarantee that he's safe." He said reassuring her.

"You're right .." She just sighed making jugo pat her at her back.

"Don't worry you'll still see them. But not just now. " he said smiling. The hyuga looked up to him wondering how he knew what she was thinking of.

"I know you want to see them and who wouldn't want to if they have a family waiting for them." Jugo said as he smiled at the Hyuga.

"Yeah.. thanks a lot for comforting me." She said returning the smile.

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