Chapter 21: Hinata Has Changed

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"W-why me! You're the one who suggested it in the first place" Suigetsu yelled as he was pushed by jugo forward.

"That's why you have to do the talking cause I already suggested!" Jugo ranted as he restrain Suigetsu from going away.

Jugo and Suigetsu is continously quarreling inside their new hideout. They are pushing each other toward Hinata until a certain red-haired become irritated as she heard all the noise.

"Can't you two just shut up! What are you even  ranting about?" Karin shouted at them.
The two didn't even heard her as they are busy quarreling. Karin's vein can be noticed as her patience is running out not until ..

"What are you guys doing there?" The three of them turn their heads to look at the Hyuga walking towards them. Karin just snorted while jugo and suigetsu quickly return to their normal composure.

"tss ..Its none of your business" karin said cockily. Hinata is just looking at them while jugo and suigetsu are trying their best to avoid her eyes.

"This is your fault Hyuga! You're the reason why they wanted to seek us" She shouted irritated.

"Then why won't you just let go of me. It would be easier that way." With that, Karin look back at her and saw different eyes, different Hinata to be exact. That made her stare at her for the time being.

"W-whatever you'e lucky sasuke was not hurt!" She then started to walk away. As she was about to turn she steal a quick glance at the Hyuga and continue walking.

"Why are you two quarreling earlier?" Hinata ask while they were avoiding her eyes.

"Uh- ano .. " Suigetsu started to speak but quickly close his mouth, hesitating. Jugo pushed him using his shoulder signalling him to speak.

"Hi-hinata .. if you don't mind.." Suigetsu started.

"Hm?" She hummed innocently.

"We just notice .. uhhmm.. something lately. And we're just.. we don't know .." suigetsu's eyes caught up to Hinata's as she is still waiting.

"Ughhh! Why do I have to do the talking Jugo!" He shouted and then sighed as he realize that he has no choice.

"Hinata. We just want to know what happened." He finally stated. Hinata just displayed a clueless look which made Jugo join the conversation.

"What he means is we're just curious on what happened back at the hideout." He said straightly looking at Hinata.

"Well sasuke and I was not harmed at all. There's nothing much, really." She answered plainly. Jugo and suigesu just exchage looks with each other before looking back at the hyuga.

"If you two don't mind, i'll be going." The two watch as her back gradually vanish out of sight. Suigetsu just clicked his tongue.

"You really are a coward suigets." Jugo stated as he started to walk away. Suigetsu catch up upon hearing his insulting words.

"I just can't find the right words. Besides, you couldn't have done it either." Suigetsu complained as they were walking.

"Its like Hinata has changed." Suigetsu continued.

With that said, jugo automatically halted from walking while his hair hung low and blocked his face. Suigetsu notice this and had the same reaction.

"We'll ask her again. This time i'll be the one confronting her." Jugo said determined as he looked back where hinata headed.


At the Konohagakure ..

"Team 7 reporting in" yamato started as they were all standing in front of the hokage's table with the other involve teams in the operation. Tsunade is just waiting for him to continue as she close her eyes.

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