Chapter 21

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Magnets 21

Chapter 21

My whole family seemed to warm to Marvel except Jade. She steered clear of him. Never once did she speak to or look at him voluntarily.

When he talked, she grimaced like she was being hurt. For some reason, she hated him. I tried to hide it from Marvel, but he began to notice and quickly lost his self-confidence. He looked down, gave short answers, and never contributed anything to the conversation.

I confronted Jade about it, and she glared at the floor during the entire conversation. "Why don't you like Marvel?" I asked her. She gave a look to the floor that would've melted ice and wouldn't answer my question. "Jade!" I begged. "What's wrong with Marvel? Why don't you like him?"

"It's not all about you!" She burst out. "Can't I have feelings? Ever since you guys won the Games, all anyone ever talks about is you two. Well, this is about me. I can have an opinion, can't I? My opinion is that Marvel is not the greatest thing ever, and I don't like him. So just let me go to my room so I don't have to look at, talk to, or think about him!" She raged, turning and disappearing into her room, slamming the door behind her.

I stood there, shocked, staring at her door. Marvel's door slowly opened down the hall. "Thanks for trying," he mumbled so quietly I could barely hear him. I went to him and hugged him tightly.

"I just don't understand why she won't cooperate!" I said in frustration. "Shouldn't she be happy that we won? That her sister is alive?" Marvel shrugged and put his arms around me.

The next few days, I was kidnapped and forced to do what President Snow wanted me to do in the Capitol. It was miserable, and the only thing in the world I wanted was to go home and be in Marvel's arms. When I finally got to go home, President Snow talked to me face-to-face before I left.

"What is this?" He asked me angrily, holding up a picture of Marvel and I kissing at the train station in District 1.

"It appears to be a blurry photograph," I said evasively.

"Cut the crap if you don't want your family hurt. What is this?" President Snow asked again.

"Marvel and I are dating," I mumbled.

"Speak up."

"Marvel and I are dating!" A deep frown came over his face.

"Some Capitol citizens have heard you are dating. This is interfering with your... popularity. It was high after you won because of your innocence, but now you're less popular, both because people have heard you two are together and because of all this business, you've begun to lose your innocence. So few people have bothered to buy you, that it's almost pointless to have anyone do it at all. But then I wouldn't have a punishment for you because of your dual-Victorship. So this leaves me at a crossroads." He turned to me suddenly. "What do you think I should do?"

I just stared at him. "I'm not sure it would be adequate, but I can assure you my previous punishment was very effective."

"Quick on your feet," President Snow said, and gave a tight-lipped smile. "I think I know what to do. Next time you come to the Capitol, it will be your last time, and we will also introduce you to your latest punishment. You are dismissed. Go back to your pathetic district." I didn't have to be told twice, and turned and walked as quickly as I could to the train.

I hadn't been home in a week, and, as always, the Capitol made me very anxious. It was a bad experience every time I came here.

I boarded the train in excitement. I couldn't wait to see Marvel. Since I'd introduced him to my family, it had been a month, and when I got back, we were taking Sander to District 1 to meet Jaxon. It basically meant I was spending the next sixteen or so hours on a train, but for the last half, I'd have my family, so it would be okay.

I arrived in District 7 after about eight hours, and Marvel was waiting at the train station with Sander and all our suitcases. I ran off the train and kissed him gently. He was caught by surprise, but kissed back happily. "Ew, gross! Cut that out!" Sander yelled. "If this keeps up, I'm staying here."

Okay, suit yourself," I grinned at him. A train whistle blew, signaling that the train to District 1 was leaving. Sander jumped up and sprinted to the train, darting inside with his luggage. I laughed, clinging onto Marvel. "That's what I thought." He kissed my forehead and we walked to the train together.

In hindsight, I could've just taken a train from the Capitol to District 1 and met Marvel and Jaxon there, but then I wouldn't have had this long train ride to discuss President Snow's speech with Marvel, and I probably would've been too scared with his threat to be alone, anyways.

I made sure Sander was safe, and then dragged Marvel into an empty sleeping car. He shut the door and grabbed me around the waist. I was caught horribly off-guard and slipped backwards into Marvel. He grunted and the force of our combined weight pushed him over and onto a bed. I landed on top of him and tried to sit up sheepishly.

"Sorry, sorry!" I wailed.

"No," he murmured, arms constricting around me. "Stay." I looked into his gorgeous light-colored eyes that seemed to hypnotize me and entrap me. I found myself doing what he wanted.

I stopped struggling and lowered myself back onto his body. I couldn't look away from those captivating eyes, and he raised his head slowly as I lowered mine. Our lips met halfway and I was finally able to break away from his intense gaze and relax into our embrace. His lips chafed against mine, fighting for dominance. I gave in and let him win, massaging his lips against mine in a gentle, passionate dance.

My hands were trapped between his chest and mine, and they were warming up quickly. I freed them and tangled them in Marvel's hairs, which had grown longer since the Games. He lovingly rubbed my hips and lower back, slowly working his way up. We broke apart, gasping for air, and Marvel left a trail of kisses from my neck to my collarbone.

"I missed you," he rasped in between kisses. I just let out a happy sigh. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart.

"I missed you too," I whispered. "Oh! I have to tell you about what President Snow said." Marvel's face turned worried, and he sat up, bringing me with him.

"What?" He asked warily.

"He's not going to force me to... do my stuff anymore. He's switching my punishment because some people got a picture of us kissing in District Five and what he calls my popularity has gone down."

Marvel sat still for a while. I guess it was a lot to process in a span of fifteen seconds. "He's switching your punishment?" He asked finally.

"Yes, but he won't tell me yet. Next time I go to the Capitol, I'll do my last round of my current punishment and start my new one."

"Did he tell you when that's going to be?"

"Nope," I shook my head. "He never does."

"Well." He got closer to me, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. "I'll be here with you throughout the whole thing." He kissed my neck in between every word and gradually got closer to my lips. He stopped at the corner of my lips and stayed there, waiting.

"Thank you," I barely breathed. He grinned and I connected our lips. Just then, the door to the sleeping car opened and an alien voice said,

"Just what do you think you're doing?"

Author's Note

Hey everyone! I'm really sorry about all the filler chapters recently, but all this is the foundation for the rest of the plot, I promise. It's maybe four or five chapters until the good stuff starts happening, so bear with me! But if you like the cute lovey-dovey stuff like in this chapter, then you're in for a treat! Who do you think is talking? It may not be someone you've met yet! More characters to come! If you like this story, I'd be super happy if you read Reprogram, my Cato story. Tell your friends if you like either of these stories! Voting, Commenting, and Fanning makes my day!


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